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Wednesday, July 17, 2024 - 04:47 PM


First Published in 1994


COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. -- An unnamed U.S. Air Force Academy "Cadet X" could be dismissed for his religious views as early as Monday 4/25, punished for integrity and conscience which prevents him from taking any vaccine which he associates with abortion.

The Cadet has joined Liberty Counsel's class-action lawsuit against Joe Biden, here.

USAFA Superintendent 3-star General Richard Clark is now apparently breaking his public promise to "absolutely" defend religious freedom for cadets who refuse the vaccine upon sincerely held religious grounds.

In September, former Navy Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt (aka Dr. Chaps, a 1991 graduate of USAFA) asked General Clark on a public microphone before 500 eyewitnesses, "will you defend religious freedom for cadets who refuse the vaccine on religious grounds?" To which the 3-star General replied, "Absolutely" and explained his promise here

Now General Richard Clark is apparently breaking his word, and has denied the Cadet X appeal for religious exemption, so Dr. Chaps is asking the public to PLEASE CALL Clark's office during business hours (9:30am ET to 5:30pm) twice to 719.333.4141 and 4140, to say "please ask General Clark to keep his pledge and 'absolutely' defend the religious freedom of all cadets who refuse the vaccine."

On 4/21 the 3-star General's personal secretary was caught fibbing twice on a radio show, audio recording here.

  1. The 3-star's Secretary fibbed on tape about the cadet's court case, "what court case is that, I’m not aware of a court case?" when actually Dr. Chaps personally handed her a copy of the lawsuit press release on 4/12 in her office.
  2. She also fibbed on tape saying "we did not send a letter to anyone named Klingenschmitt about a court case, no sir," when actually the USAFA public affairs office has twice emailed Dr. Chaps stating, "Sir, due to pending litigation, the U.S. Air Force Academy can't comment on this issue. V/r, USAFA Public Affairs." They confirm litigation, and know the cadet's identity, since they denied his appeal.

Dr. Chaps commented: "No cadet or service-member should be fired for their religious beliefs, conscience, or integrity. Cadet X is a hero, who needs public support. Everybody please call upon General Clark to keep his word and 'absolutely' defend religious freedom for all USAFA cadets."


SOURCE PrayInJesusName.org

CONTACT: "Dr. Chaps" Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt, PhD, 719-360-5132, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.