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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 06:23 PM


First Published in 1994



Editors note: Greenville and Spartanburg County Republican Party Chairmen Betty Poe and LaDonna Riggs attended the AIPAC gathering in Washington, D.C. Riggs dispatched the following report from Washington immediately following the Netanyahu speech.

While President Obama asked Israel to wait, again, for the sanctions against Iran to fully work, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave a rousing speech to AIPAC (America Israel Public Affairs Committee) saying that for “15 years he had been warning the world that Iran was a dangerous country; for 10 years the international community had tried diplomacy, and for 6 years sanctions had been used, and it has not worked.  Israel has patiently waited through diplomacy and sanctions, but it cannot afford to wait much longer.”  Then one of the best lines of the speech:  “I will never let my people live in the shadow of annihilation.”

As Netanyahu entered to an extended standing ovation, his security aide just a few feet from him (looking like he could take half the room out, if needed, alone!), the crowd who obviously held this man in awe, waited to see the answer he would give to the leader of the free world.  The crowd was not disappointed.  “Israel will always reserve the right to defender herself.  I read in the media every morning about ‘red lines and time lines’, about what Israel will do, and might do, but I won’t ever talk about that.”  He reassured AIPAC attendees that “Iran must never be allowed to have nuclear weapons.  We will prevent Iran from having nuclear weapons; we leave all options on the table; and containment is not an option.

Significant quotes from the Netanyahu address:

“Iran has said they are not building a nuclear weapons program, they are working on medical isotopes.  So the next time an ICBM comes toward you, there is nothing to worry about because it is carrying medical isotopes.  If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it is a duck.  It’s time the world starts calling a Duck a Duck!”

“Responsible leaders do not bet the security of their country on the belief that the world’s most dangerous regimes would not try to destroy them.  I will not gamble with the security of Israel!”

“Iran shows real chutzpah!  Iran says that 9/11 was orchestrated by the US Government just like they deny the Holocaust.”

“Iran sends children with bombs strapped to them, hangs gays, stones women, supports Syria’s slaughter of its citizens, terror from the skies and the ground.  Iran is responsible for the murder of 100s and possibly 1000s of Americans..  If they behave this way without a nuclear weapon, how will they behave with a nuclear weapon?”

“People need to stop talking about the cost of stopping Iran from getting a nuclear weapon and start talking about the cost of NOT stopping them!”

“A nuclear-armed Iran in the world’s most volatile region would be a nuclear tinderbox waiting to go off.”

“For the sake of prosperity, for the sake of security, and for the sake of our children, Iran must not be allowed to acquire nuclear weapons.”

“Israel must have the ability to defend itself by itself without any friends.  When it comes to survival, we must always remain the masters of our fate.”

“Israel’s fate is continuing to be the forward leader of peace in the Middle East, working for full and equal civil rights.”

“As Prime Minister of Israel, I will always protect Israel’s democracy—always.  I will never tolerate any discrimination against women.”

President of Israel, Shimon Peres spoke at the age of 88 years old and has lived a life with a heart for Israel.

Shimon Peres said about America: America is and will remain the indispensible leader of the free world and the indisputable friend of our people (Israel). Today, more than ever, the world needs America!

Shimon Peres said about Iran: Iran is led by an evil and cruel regime that makes Iran a danger to the entire world. It is the epicenter and financier of terrorism. Iran's goal is to control the Middle East and the economy of it.

Shimon Peres said about Israel on Iran: If we are forced to fight, we will prevail.

Shimon Peres's hero was Ben Gurion who knew both how to fight and to seek peace. Peres's goal is to seek peace in every possible way. He has served as the Minister of Defense, Prime Minister, and now the President of Israel. He came to Israel as a pre-teen and has lived his life for his country.