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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 08:15 PM


First Published in 1994


Governor Stresses: “It’s a Great Day in South Carolina”

Convention---Gov-Haley-and-MaidSuperintendent of Education Dr. Mick Zais received an enthusiastic standing ovation following his remarks at the Fourth Congressional District GOP Convention, Saturday.

Dr. Zais, the first conservative pro-student superintendent of education in South Carolina in several decades, has reduced the size of his state department staff by 50 spaces and saved the taxpayer $2 million.

He has advocated a strong charter school bill that has been passed by the House and is pending passage in the Senate.

The Teacher Protection Act is a bill designed to bring order and safety to the classroom so teachers can teach and students can learn without distraction. This bill has passed the Senate and needs help getting it passed in the House before the session ends.

Parts of both bills are opposed by the education/industrial complex lobby.

The charter school bill would allow charter school students to participate in athletic programs in the school within which enrollment area they reside. The bill would also allow for single gender schools.

Dr. Zais advocates dollars following the child and more dollars reaching the classroom.

The Superintendent, whose efforts are opposed by the education establishment lobby, requested help from convention delegates and Republican Party Leaders in dealing with opposition to his efforts to significantly improve the quality of education provided by South Carolina Schools.

The education lobby is composed of the NEA (the largest union in the nation) other teachers unions, the Association of School Administrators, School Board Association, the South Carolina Education Association, an affiliate of the NEA, and other education/industrial complex organizations feeding at the taxpayer funded education trough.

The lobby primarily represents employee and industrial complex interests rather than the best interests of students and the quality of education. Dr. Zais quoted one union leader saying his union would support the interest of students when students “become union members and begin paying union dues.”

Dr. Zais urged the delegates to get involved in their local school districts, attend school board meetings and run for the school board to have an impact on the education system that desperately needs a change in emphasis.

Governor Nikki Haley gave her basic “It’s a great day in South Carolina” speech. She announced that beginning next year, “South Carolina will be the largest tire producer in the country. She emphasized that the worst part of her job was dealing with the federal government. She listed the legal battles from Boeing to Voter ID.

State Republican Party Chairman Chad Connally and Fourth District Congressman Trey Gowdy addressed the delegates briefly. Gowdy is a key member of the House Committee investigating the Justice Department and General Services Administration (GSA).