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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 08:15 PM


First Published in 1994


Family Members Insisted “Parents Treated As Enemies”

P1010116---Liz-SeamonThe three member ad hoc committee appointed by Greenville County Council Chairman Butch Kirven to look into complaints about the county Disabilities and Special Needs Board held a one-hour public hearing Monday evening.

The committee members are Dan  Rawls, Lottie Gibson and Liz Seman serving as chairman. Twenty individuals, limited to 3 minutes each, were allowed to address the committee. The concerned parents were in no mood to “sugar coat” their comments.


The crowd of about 100 family members reacted in one accord when one parent referred to Roxie Kincannon’s quote in the daily paper saying complaints by parents were “frivolous.” She said some of the employees are “scared to death” after being threatened by Patrick Haddon, acting Executive Director of the agency.

Family members testified that some employees had been threatened with firing just to scare them. The staff at a work center was said to be in turmoil.

Elderly parents worried about what would happen to their children when they were no longer around to ensure they were cared for. Several family members said they have lost faith in the board and all urged the council members to  help  replace the entire board as soon as possible. They insisted that timing is urgent due to the seriousness of problems.

One speaker said Patrick Haddon, the interim director, is not qualified for the job and is making decisions based on business and financial considerations without considering the welfare of the individuals the agency is charged with caring for.

A Greer parent whose child will be receiving services from the agency next year has been attending board meetings and said she found the board to be very intimidating to parents. She worries about what will happen to her child when he goes there.

The parents commended some employees working in the group homes  and other parts of the agency, and worry that some have not had a pay raise in 5 years. Jerry Ashley said the board chairman’s son “harasses people” and she (Mrs. Kincannon) “needs to resign.” It is not clear why Todd Kincannon is involved in agency matters since he is not a member of the board nor an employee of the agency.

Mrs. Peggy Farmer, who addressed County Council at their  April 17 meeting regarding her concern for the future of her 62 year old son, brought him with her to the Monday night meeting and introduced him to the crowd.

The final speaker Monday night was the mother of a young female resident of the agency who died form what may have been failure by the board to provide adequate medical care and coordination between care providers.

At least one parent has file a complaint with the United States Department of Health and Human Services. Dozens of families have made it clear to the County Council that they are not going to be satisfied until the entire board is replaced.

Greenville County Council recommends proposed board to the governor who formally appoints them. Council cannot remove board members, but could encourage them to resign. For some reason, Governor Nikki Haley has been reluctant to get involved with the situation.

The ad hoc committee will meet with the Disabilities and Special Needs Board on May 15th and  give their findings to the full Council at a later date.

The families served by the Greenville County Disabilities and Special Needs Board are determined to force County Council to act on their behalf. Three Council members not on the committee attended the meeting Monday night.

The allegations against the board chairman are serious if proven.  County Council will only be able to delay action for a short while. Events are piling up and damage done between the board and the families they serve already seems beyond repair.