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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 08:16 PM


First Published in 1994


Executive Committee Concerned About Democrat Involvement in Republican Primary

Stephen-Brown---6-6-12The involvement of Tommie Reece in the Senate District 6 primary race as a Republican has upset the Republican faithful. Allegations that the liberal school board member has engaged fat cat Democrats, to whom she has made campaign contributions in the past, to help turn out the Democrat vote for her in the Republican primary has added fuel to the political firestorm.

The Greenville County Republican party Executive Committee, following a lengthy, spirited  discussion Monday night, voted unanimously to hold a special meeting of the committee at 7 pm on Monday, June 18 in the event a  runoff in one of the county senate races involves a candidate who is a practicing Democrat according to the public record, but is engaged in mendacious conduct in order to seek election to a powerful legislative office that they could not be elected to if they were truthful.

An executive committeeman from the 6th Senate District reported a sample of information from the public record pertaining to Ms. Reece.  He listed Jim Hodges, Frank Holleman, Jim Rex, and Verne Smith (before he switched to the Republican party) as candidates she supported financially.   He said she voted in the  2008 Democrat primary.

The proposed action is unprecedented in Greenville County history, and hopefully will not be necessary. However, these are not normal times and grass roots Republicans are fed-up with people who claim to support Republican principles and the party platform and once elected become part of the Democrat led good ol boy system that has corrupted state government in South Carolina for decades.