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Saturday, February 15, 2025 - 01:57 PM


First Published & Printed in 1994


Silicon Valley has more than banking problems: the high tech industry is culturally corrupt. To be specific, all the talk about diversity and inclusion that the left-wing elites speak about is nothing but claptrap. In fact, it is one of the most bigoted places in America to work.

The left-wing obsession with anatomy and ancestry as markers of diversity and inclusion allows its proponents to completely exclude people whose ideas they loathe. That means conservatives and Christians.

Lincoln Network, a community of free-market tech professionals, conducted a survey in late 2017 and early 2018 of tech professionals in Silicon Valley. The focus was on ideology and workplace norms. The findings remove any doubt about the extent of cultural corruption that exists. Here are six of the conclusions.

      • A large majority consider their workplace liberal or very liberal.
      • Most feel their views are at odds with the cultural norms in their workplace.
      • Most do not feel comfortable sharing their views on political or cultural issues….
      • A significant number cannot do their best work because their ideological views are at odds with their workplace norms.
      • A large majority cannot bring their whole selves to work.
      • Some know someone who did not pursue or left a career in tech because of perceived conflicts in viewpoints.

Tim Ferriss is an investor and an author who describes himself as "very socially liberal." He moved from Silicon Valley to Austin, Texas because "Silicon Valley […] has an insidious infection that is spreading—a peculiar form of McCarthyism […] masquerading as liberal open-mindedness." Sam Altman, a venture capitalist, concurs, saying he "felt more comfortable discussing controversial ideas in Beijing than in San Francisco."

"I have been retaliated against, bullied, verbally intimidated and subject to ridicule for my own opinions that are not accepted by corporate majority rule." Those are the reflections of a middle-age tech libertarian woman whose experience in Silicon Valley is commonplace.

A male Google employee said he moved from very liberal to conservative after undergoing a "reign of terror" by senior left-wing staff. One of his co-workers admitted that "I have lost multiple talented colleagues who resigned rather than continue in the face of increasingly extreme, narrowminded, and regressive environment here at Google."

Roughly half (48 percent) of those who work in Silicon Valley are self-described atheists or agnostics. Many don't like Christians.

Those who are religious attribute the animus to a "postmodern secularist Silicon Valley viewpoint." Others note that the "quietest" employees are "conservative Christians that don't want to risk the perceived ire of an obviously non-Christian non-conservative majority." Another worker confessed, "I would definitely be worried about professional repercussions if people knew my political and religious views."

Religious employees are careful about wearing their religion on their sleeve. Here's how one worker put it. "People in my workplace certainly can't know who I really am." He said, "a lot of people have this mindset that intellectually capable, smart people are atheist and rational."

Similarly, a tech employee at LinkedIn opined, "When colleagues go off on jeremiads about how terrible Christians are, I infer that if they knew I was a Christian, they would not like it." A software developer who is gay, Christian and a lifelong Democrat said he avoids sharing his views because "any sort of disagreement would make them wonder if I'm a secret Trump supporter."

There is plenty of evidence beyond the Lincoln Network survey that shows how things work in Silicon Valley. In a piece posted on Vox, the reporter said, "Silicon Valley is a young atheist's world," but quickly noted, "that's becoming a problem." Specifically, it's a problem for older employees who "belong to a traditional religion."

It's wise for such people to keep their mouth shut. As one woman put it, her colleagues are shocked to learn she is religious. "What, really?" is a typical response. That is why she avoids mentioning her religion. When she does, "she feels the need to explain her faith to reassure previously skeptical parties that she is 'rational.'"

HBO's "Silicon Valley" satirized the intolerant tech sector. In one episode, it depicted a gay man who is religious. They were "shocked to learn that he goes to church." Another character admitted that Christianity "freaks people out in the Valley."

Peter Rex, a CEO who worked there, said there is truth to the satire. He said, "I've experienced a combination of hesitation and hostility toward my Catholic faith." He flatly says, "There is discrimination against Christians in Silicon Valley."

Is it any surprise that Daniel Dennett is one of Silicon Valley's most popular guest speakers? He is one of America's most influential atheist writers.

Why is it that everywhere the left-wing elite exist—the university, the foundations, Silicon Valley, the media, the entertainment industry—the last thing they prize is diversity of thought? Are they that insecure of their own convictions that they must trample on freedom of speech, freedom of association and freedom of religion? Must be so.