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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 08:19 PM


First Published in 1994


Will Angry Conservatives Remain Energized Until November Election?

Four days after the US Supreme Court declared Obamacare constitutional, pollster Scott Rasmussen informed Newsmax that Conservative anger against Obamacare is hitting “stratospheric levels.”

U. S. Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina) said, “The Supreme Court may have failed to stop this government takeover of health care, but the American people will not. Since the day this law was rammed through Congress, the American people have demanded repeal, and today’s ruling doesn’t make Obamacare any less dangerous to our nation’s health. Freedom-loving Americans are disappointed, but we cannot be discouraged.”

DeMint said the President’s health care plan must be repealed and that all of his promises, including no middle class tax hike and lower health care costs, have proven false.

“The government takeover of healthcare remains as destructive, unsustainable, and unconstitutional as the day it was passed, unread, by a since-fired congressional majority,” DeMint stressed.

The highly respected Senator from South Carolina is urging every governor “to stop implementing the health care exchanges that would help implement the harmful effects of this misguided law. Americans have loudly rejected this federal takeover of health care, and governors should join with the people and reject its implementation.”

Conservative pioneer Richard A. Viguerie concluded that the job is now up to the Republicans.

“The Supreme Court’s decision is a stark reminder that one  presidential appointment to the Supreme Court is all that stood between our freedom and tyranny that will grow ever greater now that the individual mandate has been upheld.

“If there was any reminder needed of what is at stake in this presidential election, the fractured vote upholding the mandate is it.

“There are now 130 days until Election Day. The Supreme Court has spoken, and the real work of protecting America from tyranny is now in the hands of Mitt Romney and the Republican Party.”

Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D., reports that seniors especially will be “punished” by Obamacare. To avoid punishment through rationing of care and medication, “we must repeal the entire Obamacare law and restore market-based, patient-centered health reform that maintains privacy and freedom for patients and their physicians.”

“Government tyranny has been slowed but not stopped,” said former presidential candidate Herman Cain. “What the Supreme Court ruling means is that anything government can call a tax, it has the power to do. Regardless of the semantics, we are subjected to government tyranny... The ruling that really matters will come on November 6 when We the People have the opportunity to replace the president and the congress who created this monstrosity.

For two years, a majority of Americans have believed Obamacare should be repealed, according to Rasmussen polls. A key to Republican victory in November depends greatly on whether conservatives can retain their anger long enough to get themselves and others to the polls to replace Obama and liberal members of the House and Senate. Tea Party activists will have a role in keeping the issue alive despite all the distractions that will be created by the Democrats and their Progressive/Socialist activists.

House leaders are scheduling a vote to repeal Obamacare next week. It is believed that a large number of Democrats will vote for repeal. It is a safe vote for them because the bill will not get passed by the senate this year and many Democrats are afraid to cast a vote in support of Obamacare just prior to a facing a contested election.