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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 08:11 PM


First Published in 1994



The Grand Opening of the Henderson County Republican Party’s new headquarters held Saturday evening at the new office in the Brookdale Square shipping center on Greenville Highway was successful beyond expectations. The place was jam-packed for nearly two hours.

Based on the number of plates used and the amount of food consumed, attendance was over 200. It put a little pressure on the air conditioner for awhile, but to everyone’s delight, a kindly thundershower created a cool breeze between the front and back door.


The Opening Ribbon was cut by Sheriff Charlie McDonald and County Commissioner Larry Young. Others assisting in the photo are from left to right Andrew Riddle, Party Vice Chair; Mark Meadows;  former NC House Rep. Carolyn Justus; Sheriff McConald; Commissioner Young; Party Chairman Mike Scruggs; Party Treasurer Jim Erwin; Registrar of Deeds Nedra Moles; and Rev. Gary Letchworth.

Many Republican candidates attended including Mark Meadows, competing with Vance Patterson for the Republican nomination for the 11th District U.S. House seat.  Also attending were Mike Causey, North Carolina Insurance Commissioner candidate; Chris Whitmire, Republican nominee for NC House District 113, which includes a large part of southern Henderson County;  Peter Knight, incumbent District Court Judge for district 29b; and Emily Cowan and Robin Bowen, competing for the open position in District Court 29b. Also present were campaign representatives for presidential candidate Mitt Romney (Carroll Wray); and gubernatorial candidate Pat McCrory (senior campaign advisor Chris Immanuel).

The new office will be used for Republican organizational and committee meetings and events and for public education on critical issues facing the nation, North Carolina, and Henderson County.

The Grand opening was not only very sucessful, it was great fun and fellowship. As one old-time Republican said, “Great affair, good time had by all.”

Visit our website at www.hendersoncountygop.com.