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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 08:17 PM


First Published in 1994


Lt-Gen-Jerry-BoykinWASHINGTON – Christian Newswire – Family Research Council President Tony Perkins is pleased to announce today that Lt. Gen. (USA Ret.) William G. "Jerry" Boykin (photo) has joined Family Research Council as its Executive Vice President. In this role, he will oversee day-to-day operations including policy, finance, development, communications, human resources, facilities, information technology, constituent communications and services.

Of Boykin, Perkins said:

"We are very excited and pleased to announce that Lt. General Boykin is joining Family Research Council's leadership team," said FRC President Tony Perkins, a Marine veteran. "The depth of his leadership skills, forged under the most demanding circumstances, combined with his passion for faith, family and freedom, will greatly enhance FRC's effectiveness and impact in Washington and beyond."

General Boykin was one of the original members of the U.S. Army's Delta Force. He was privileged ultimately to command these elite warriors in combat operations. Later, Jerry Boykin commanded all the Army's Green Berets as well as the Special Warfare Center and School. His last four years in the Army were spent in Washington, D.C. as the U.S. Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence.

"I am honored to join the country's premier Christian public policy organization dedicated to strengthening the family, defending life and advancing freedom," said Boykin. "As I ponder the future that my six grandchildren will grow up in, I realize how important it is that I do my part to restore the values that made America a great nation. This is why I am honored to help advance Family Research Council's mission of faith, family and freedom."

Additionally Lt. Gen. Boykin will assist FRC in its expanded role of advocating for the men and women who continue to serve in our nation's military.

"The Obama administration has undermined our nation's security and increased the risk to those who serve by systematically using our nation's military to advance a liberal social agenda. There is no one better equipped to speak on behalf of those who serve our nation in uniform and advocate for policies that uphold our national security than General Boykin," concluded Perkins.