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Wednesday, July 17, 2024 - 05:06 PM


First Published in 1994


SC Freedom Caucus Logo

Did you hear about the latest victory in the fight against the radical Left?

The South Carolina State Library terminated its membership with the woke American Library Association (ALA). This is a HUGE win for students and parental rights.

For those of you who haven’t followed the increasing leftward shift of the ALA, the organization recently elected Emily Drabinski as its President. Ms. Drabinksi is a self-proclaimed Marxist who expressed her desire to “queer the library catalog” and expose children to the “radical library catalog” of transgenderism, prostitution, masturbation, erotica, and other topics that should not be pushed on minors. In her bid for ALA president, Ms. Drabinski advocated for an ALA whose “public statements will be … socialist in tone.” She recently spoke at the Socialism 2023 conference in Chicago calling for public education and libraries to become a “site of socialist organizing.”

In July, the South Carolina Freedom Caucus led the charge in forming a coalition with over 100 grassroots organizations calling upon libraries across the Palmetto State to formally leave the ALA. Additionally, the SCFC made a direct ask to the South Carolina Library Association (SCLA), the state affiliate of the ALA, to sever their times with the national organization.

As of this email, the SCLA has refused to leave. They have preferred to maintain a relationship with a Marxist organization seeking to use public libraries as indoctrination centers.

Once again, we are calling on the SCLA to stand with parents, children, and our Palmetto State values by leaving the ALA. We will continue to do all we can to defend kids in South Carolina from the radical agenda being pushed from a national level. You can help us get this job done by contacting the SCLA and demanding they leave the woke ALA immediately. Email the SCLA at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 803-252-1087.

For Liberty,

The SC Freedom Caucus


PS – A special thank you to Representative John McCravy. John has been the only other State Representative so far to publicly stand up to the ALA. He is a valuable ally to SCFC in the House and we appreciate his efforts.