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Tuesday, February 18, 2025 - 12:47 AM


First Published & Printed in 1994


Overwhelm the polls on February 24th for the Republican Presidential Preference Primary!

Exercise your Right to Vote

After the recent Democratic Presidential Preference Primary on February 3rd, 2024 the message is loud and clear. Democrats did NOT come out to vote for a candidate on their ticket. In fact, this year’s Democratic PPP resulted in about 4% of registered voters getting to the polls; one of the lowest voter turnouts in recent years.

So, what does this mean for Republicans? Due to the fact that South Carolina is an open primary state, (meaning that voters are not required to register by party and can, therefore, vote in the party primary of their choice) we can expect Democrats to turnout in droves to vote for their “Republican” candidate of choice - former SC Governor, Nikki Haley. This is a desperate attempt to keep President Donald Trump (and his proven record of successful policies) off the General Ticket in November. If Democrats are willing to vote for Haley to attempt undercutting Trump’s opportunity of success, it begs the question, is Nikki the right choice for SC conservatives and our Nation overall? Greenville Patriot Caucus, says “No!” We are proud to endorse President Donald J. Trump for President in 2024.

What can YOU do about it? TURNOUT and OVERWHELM THE POLLS! Conservatives need to do what conservatives do best and send a very loud message to the Democrats that even when they cross-over and contaminate our party primaries, we will WIN! That means telling neighbors, carpooling to the polls, bringing family and friends, sharing with your networks, and - since this election is on a Saturday - there are no excuses! We’ve got this!

February 24th is a critically important election for the future of our nation. Primaries are the way you allow your voices to be heard and choose who you want to represent you on the General Election ticket. It’s about time Conservatives take a stand and get out to vote in every election available - the time of allowing an extremely small percentage of the population to decide our candidates (especially Democrats) is over!

What You Need to Know
Who is on the ballot?
Ryan L Binkley
Chris Christie (Suspended Campaign)
Ron DeSantis (Suspended Campaign)
Nikki Haley (Democrat Choice)
Vivek Ramaswamy (Suspended Campaign)
David Stuckenberg
Donald J Trump (Republican Choice)
While near half of the candidates have suspended their campaign, they will still appear on the ballot! A vote for one of these candidates is a wasted vote! For Mr. Binkley and Mr. Stuckenberg, while we commend the effort, they do not have a snowballs chance, so don’t risk splitting the vote on a candidate that has no viable path to victory.

What Advisory Questions Are on the Ballot?
1. Should South Carolina law be changed to give people the right to register to vote with the political party of their choice?
GPC says “Yes”, this question relates directly to our above mention of open-primaries. Having the ability to register by party will ensure voters vote only in their party primaries.

2. Should South Carolina adopt reforms to increase the independence and accountability of our judiciary by improving transparency and reducing conflicts of interest in the process of reviewing judicial qualifications and electing judges?
GPC says “Yes”, this question relates to judicial reform which we know is vitally important, however, because it is a vague question, we encourage you to do research and determine how you’d like to vote.

3. Should it be an immediate legislative priority to protect South Carolina’s competitiveness and small businesses by changing state law so that a person’s responsibility for financial damages in a lawsuit is based on that person's actual share of responsibility?
GPC says “Yes”. While we believe it is important to protect small businesses, there are nuances, and this could create scenarios in which the injured party is not able to be made whole. We encourage you to do your research and be well-informed on the issue before casting your vote.

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Where Should You Go to Vote?
We encourage you to visit www.scvotes.gov before every election to check your voter registration, confirm your polling location, and view your sample ballot. We have created a step-by-step guide that walks you through this process. You can find that HERE.

This is a list of polling locations we know have changed. If you’re in one of these precincts, the location listed is where you will go to vote in the upcoming Republican Presidential Preference Primary. Regardless, please be sure to check www.scvotes.gov for any last-minute changes.
