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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 10:14 PM


First Published in 1994



As the November presidential election draws closer it is important for the Republican Party to remain energized and maintain enthusiasm if they are to produce the results they want. In the

spirit of creating excitement, the rally was held on Friday, September 14, outside the Bi-Lo center, downtown. With speakers like United States Senator Jim DeMint, United States Congressman Trey Gowdy, United States Congressman Jeff Duncan, and others, the rally fulfilled its intentions.

“I thought that the overall message was very positive it was very uplifting and encouraging. I thoroughly enjoyed all of the speakers,” said Ryan Smith, founder and chairman of the Spartanburg County teenage republicans.

Cheering and clapping washed over the crowd at talks of defeating President Obama in the election and his healthcare plans. Congressman Gowdy talked about his trouble with his lawsuit over Fast and Furious. Laughter rang through the crowd when Duncan brought up a chair and placed it beside the podium like Clint Eastwood did at the Republican Convention.

While speaking, South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson mentioned why he was participating in the rally. “I love my country and I’m ticked off,” was Wilson’s answer when he was asked why he was coming to Greenville.

The object was to reach out to the community and unify the party while educating the public on pertinent issues. Bringing people together into a collective unit is what the party needs when voters approach their ballots.

“I think it is a great start to kick in the energy that we need to take our country back come November… I think we need to reign in our spending, and I think we need to make sure that the government knows that the people are the ones they serve, not themselves,” said Jane Kizer, nominee for South Carolina Senate District Seven.

Education is the party’s biggest weapon for voters come November. Harry Kibler, founder of Operation Lost Vote, reminded the crowd of the dangers of voting straight party ticket. With the “ballot fiasco” going on in Columbia there are R.I.N.O.s (Republicans In Name Only) that are being opposed by party favorites that have had to enter the election by petition.

“A lot of people don’t know what we’re fighting for in November,” said Pam Delong, concerned citizen.

Glenda Drinkhahn, rally attendee, said, “I thought it was wonderful. I wish we could have more like this.”

Smith, 16, said, “I thought it was a great experience to see so many conservatives uniting around the Upstate, and it was very encouraging to me. I just can’t wait to see what this movement will do come November.”

Although most had a good experience there were others in the crowd that weren’t convinced with the rally.

Robby, 41, who wanted his last name to remain anonymous, said, “It seemed like a lot less people than 2010. I didn’t hear a whole lot of real issues. Compared to the rally they held in 2010, it’s nowhere close. Not a whole lot of excitement. “


Go to http://www.timesexaminer.com/political/1228-take-our-country-back-rally-2012-in-greenville to see videos of the rally.