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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 10:15 PM


First Published in 1994


Congressmen speaks at Greenville Republican Women’s luncheon

Trey-Gowdy---4-11-12At the end of Congressman Trey Gowdy’s speech at the Greenville Republican Women’s monthly luncheon on Thursday, September 27, 2012, he called on volunteers. Volunteers were used to explain visually what “Fast and Furious” is all about. Two gentlemen represented the Mexican drug cartel, one woman represented a federally licensed firearms dealer, another lady was a straw purchaser, and the remaining three were Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms agents.

Before he started explaining the facts, Gowdy had all of the ATF agents turn their back to the rest of the group. Then he explained that a straw purchaser is someone who is legally able to buy a gun and buys them for those that cannot. The volunteers representing ATF had their backs turned to represent how they put the straw purchaser up to the purchase while they just looked the other way. 2,000 guns were purchased and then walked into Mexico to give to the cartel.

The reason that ATF turned their backs, Gowdy explained, was that they could trace the guns to Mexico and then prosecute the case.

“Let me tell you as a former federal prosecutor it was never going to work,” said Gowdy.

The case was brought to light through whistleblowers within ATF that explained they were doing something that wasn’t right. A United States Senator wrote a letter to the United States Department of Justice asking for the USDOJ to explain what was going on with the investigation. The letter received back flat out denied the allegations and said that the ATF was not doing what they were being accused of. Ten months later they withdrew the letter. Gowdy believes that Attorney General Eric Holder has completely politicized the USDOJ and needs to be replaced

Speaking in front of a crowd made up of mostly women, Gowdy informed them that there wasn’t a single poll that didn’t suggest that women were going to be the ones to pick the next president. Gowdy said that this election is about the heart and soul of the country and warned of the trouble that the recent politics can do to American society.

“This election will be about pitting one group of Americans against another group of Americans. It will be pitting people who don’t currently pay federal income taxes against the group that already pays for 67% of what government does. It may be wonderful politics, we’ll find out in November, but it is dreadful citizenship, and it will be the demise of this republic,” said Gowdy

Gowdy’s next warning came against our fiscal deficit. Even though there are cries of us being worse off, Gowdy assured that we are in no worse shape than last summer. The only exception to his assuring remark was that there was at least a debate last year.

“We were at least debating how to pay for the increase to the debt ceiling. What are we debating now? Debating whether to raise taxes to avoid the defense cuts,” said Gowdy.

Gowdy then brought up the question that the Washington Times and the New York Post asked. If the President is reelected are the republicans going to capitulate and allow taxes to go up?

“My question to you is this. If we are not about fiscal responsibility and discipline and limiting the size and scope of government then define for me, what we are about? Do we stand for anything and if we do, then now would be a good time for us to say 35% is enough,” said Gowdy.

He thinks that if Republicans allow the rate to be raised to 39.2 percent from 35, then they’ve lost all moral argument of why 42 isn’t right. If the Democrats do get the raise that they want, Gowdy explained that it would only create enough revenue for eight weeks of borrowing.

“What are you going to do with the other 44 weeks,” said Gowdy.

Gowdy opened his speech by informing that Congress had failed to reauthorize the Violence Against Women’s Act, and that South Carolina had risen from seventh to second in the nation in cases of men killing women.  Gowdy put the blame on Nevada’s Senator Harry Reid whose state is number one in cases of men killing women. The bill has failed to reauthorize due to Reid’s stance on the wording of the bill. Reid wants the bill to contain four words that are currently not in it.

“(Reid) wants us to specifically use the words gays, lesbian, transgender, and bi-sexual. It’s not enough in America now that we just say that this law applies to everyone irrespective of anything there’s no discrimination. For political reasons he wants those four words in there and we don’t have a reauthorization of the Violence Against Women’s Act because of that,” said Gowdy.

During his speech Gowdy reminded that November is the birthday of our constitution. Gowdy wants those that believe that the constitution is the supreme law of the land to understand how important the election is due to the current administrations views of the document. He believes those opposing views should be enough to motivate anyone to get into Iowa, Ohio, Florida, and Virginia to flip this electoral battle.