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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 10:15 PM


First Published in 1994


Party Executive Committee Unanimously Endorsed Proposed  Legislation Intended to Nullify “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act”  in SC and Encourage Legislative Delegation to Cosponsor and Support Passage of Legislation

The Greenville County Republican Party Executive Committee on Monday, December 3rd, unanimously approved a resolution endorsing proposed legislation intended to nullify the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act”  commonly called “Obamacare” in South Carolina.

The resolution was proposed by county party First Vice Chairman Harry Kibler. During the discussion of the Resolution, several recent examples of Nullification practiced by various states were discussed. One prime example is nullification of the “Defense of Marriage Act” by certain states.


The proposed legislation will be pre-filed in the House later this month by Rep. William “Bill” Chumley. A companion bill will be pre-filed in the Senate by Senator Lee  Bright.

The Resolution in part stated:

1. The Greenville County Republican Party finds the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” a violation of the enumerated powers of the federal government, and

2. The Greenville County Republican Party finds the U. S. Supreme Court’s ruling inconsistent with the limited powers outlined in the U. S. Constitution, and

3. The Greenville County Republican Party hereby endorses and supports legislation intended to Nullify the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” in the State of South Carolina, and

4. The Greenville County Republican Party encourages its Legislative Delegation to cosponsor and support the passage of such legislation.

Copies of the resolution will be sent to all members of the Greenville County Legislative Delegation and key state officials.

The proposed legislation prescribes strict penalties for anyone attempting to implement any part of “Obamacare” in South Carolina.