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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 10:15 PM


First Published in 1994


Lawmakers “Fear Federal Government” More than Constituents

Some 150 citizens from across the Palmetto State attended a hearing on House Bills H3101 and H3473 last Wednesday, February 6, 2013. The hearing was conducted by the House Constitutional Laws Subcommittee of the Judiciary Committee.

H3101 is the Obamacare Nullification Bill introduced by Rep. Bill Chumley who represents District 35 in Spartanburg and Greenville Counties. H3473 is a watered down, weakened substitute introduced by Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Greg Delleney. Both Chumley and Delleney were elected as Republicans.

Josiah Magnuson, director of Americans for Constitutional Government in Greenville County, was one of the community leaders  who testified before the subcommittee in support of the Nullification Bill that would essentially make it illegal to implement any part of Obamacare in South Carolina.

Magnuson reported that the representatives on the subcommittee were “respectful to the citizens demanding the passage of H3101, but were openly hostile to the idea of ‘Nullification.’”

Several attendees noted that some members of the committee were very rude and disrespectful to Dr. Donald Livingston , retired professor of Philosophy and Law at Emory University, and a resident of South Carolina. Dr Livingston explained to the subcommittee members that since the states created the federal government, they individually have the final right to determine issues not covered and enumerated in the Constitution of the United States.

Dr. Thomas Kendall, Upstate physician and president-elect of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, also testified in favor of H3101.

Due to the large number of citizens who were unable to speak in favor of H3101 during the time allotted, the subcommittee chairman announced that a follow-up hearing would be scheduled. The date of that hearing has not yet been announced.

Most attendees in support of the bill to block Obamacare were surprised, disappointed and discouraged by the attitude of the Republican led subcommittee.

Magnuson observed that, “most of those in attendance agreed that  the subcommittee had clearly indicated that their fear of the Federal government was greater than their desire to protect South Carolina families from Obamacare.”