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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 10:18 PM


First Published in 1994


Hundreds Came to Rally and Pray in the Cold Rain

Hundreds of concerned citizens came to the parking lot of Greenville County Square on a cold, rainy Saturday morning to hear half a dozen speakers talk about what citizens can do to stop unconstitutional encroachment on the freedom of citizens of South Carolina. At the conclusion of the rally, attendees were invited to remain for a time of prayer if they wished to do so. A crowd estimated at more than 200 remained as a series of citizens led in prayer for our state, nation, elected leaders and the citizens they govern.

The local rally was part of the “National Day of Resistance,” a nationwide event planned to answer the question: “Where should we turn if all the bodies of the federal government conspire against the people?”

Rev. Mark Evans, Pastor of Hope Presbyterian Church in Greenville, provided the opening prayer. Young Hampton Chumley, grandson of Rep. Bill Chumley, led in singing the National Anthem. The rally emcee was Russ Cassell, News Radio WORD 106.3 FM Morning Host.

Why are we here?

“We have a few brave souls in Washington,” said Russ Cassell. “We elected some here in the Upstate of South Carolina, but let’s face it, sadly, they are in the minority. They are doing what they can, but ultimately, who is it up to folks?

“It is up to you and me to be informed, to be inspired, and then don’t leave rallies like this and go home to be mad and call in talk radio. It takes more than that. You have to share with your friends, share with your co-workers – who knows – maybe get in an argument with a member of your own family. We have to effectively communicate what we know.

“We love this country. We love what this country used to be. We love our state. How many of you, like me, have lived here all your life and raised a family here? You know we owe it to our children, we owe it to the Hampton Chumleys of the world. We have to do something, and we have to do it quickly because time sadly is slipping away at an increasing pace.

“The purpose here today, don’t be confused, when people hear the word “resistance,” they may think it is a lot of different things. What I think resistance means is ‘it’s time for action.’ We have to make a better argument. We have to make a more convincing argument and it all begins with telling the truth.

“I was talking to the pastor. What ever happened to the truth? When I was growing up, the ‘truth would set you free.’ There is ‘absolute truth,’ people used to recognize that.

“We have to know it. We have to believe it. We have to communicate it. So part of our purpose here today is to arm you with information. I can’t think of a better person to start with our effort today, and I am proud to introduce to you the man who is leading the fight in the state of South Carolina to nullify Obamacare. He is Representative Bill Chumley.”

Rep. Chumley is the sponsor of H- 3101, the bill to nullify Obamacare in South Carolina.

Standing in Rain Demonstrates Seriousness of Issues

“What a pleasure to be here on this ‘beautiful’ day. This just shows you that we are serious about what we are doing. Seeing this weather and seeing this crowd makes me feel so good.  I appreciate you so much,” said Rep. Chumley.

Chumley introduced District 5 Senator Tom Corbin and Mike Burns who is the Republican nominee to represent District 17 in the South Carolina House and thanked Corbin for his support of nullification.

“Let me say, we have 25 patriots who are sponsors of this bill. Every one signed on their own. I didn’t even ask them,” Chumley announced.

Chumley has 3 or 4 national figures coming to Columbia to address lawmakers on March 20. They include one of the top constitutional attorneys in the nation and one of The Times Examiner’s highly respected syndicated columnists.

“This will be a historic event,” Chumley told the crowd as the 38-degree rain slowed to a drizzle and the north wind began to blow across the hilltop parking lot.

“I am passionate about this!” Chumley said. “When I look at my grandson (who sang The National Anthem), and my grandchildren and your grandchildren and children, I ask: ‘What do they have in store for them?’

“I am at an age now where I could probably ride this thing out. I’m five years away from having to go to ‘end of life counseling.’

“I’m not going to ‘end of life counseling,’ and they are not coming in my house to look in my refrigerator. And the guns that I have I will keep,” Rep. Chumley stressed.

“We have come to the point where we have to make a decision. Do we have a Constitution or do we not? I say we absolutely do have a Constitution and 150 years ago we started letting this slide a little bit. And it has become a way of doing business everyday and it has got to stop right here and now.

“The federal government has limited duties and authority prescribed by the Constitution and all others are reserved to the states or the people. This Obamacare is ‘federal overreach on steroids.’ We are not going to take this. I’m more sad than mad at this point. I’m sad that our government has put us in this position and we have to do this. It’s a shame. We have bullying laws and this is a government-bullying problem.

“I am standing here as a citizen legislator. Four years ago I wasn’t even considering doing anything like this.”

Chumley compared the people standing in the cold rain with the patriots with Washington at Valley Forge. But the Upstate patriots had shoes and some had umbrellas. “I see you as that kind of patriot,” Chumley concluded.

“I’ve been asked not to use the word ‘nullify.” I’m tired of the other side telling us what we can’t say, what we can’t do, and what we can’t think. We are going to fight this thing on our own terms and say what it is. We want to nullify it. If we nullify Obamacare, we will set the standard for stopping other federal overreaching.

I took an oath to uphold the Constitution and protect the people of South Carolina and we are going to do it.”

“If my Teeth Chatter, It’s not Because I am Afraid.”

Dr. Thomas Kendall is president-elect of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. He is a Greenville physician and passionate Christian. As a Christian he is passionate about life and medical care. He is the only medical doctor in Upstate South Carolina willing to speak out publicly about the negative impact Obamacare will have on the doctor- patient relationship and healthcare in general, although many share his views.

Dr. Kendall began on the cold rainy Saturday morning by saying: “If my teeth are chattering it is not because I am afraid.”

He thanked the crowd for coming out in the miserable weather and, especially, he wanted to thank an 83-year-old woman he saw in his office the day before. He assumed she would stay home and asked her to pray for him and his part in the rally. “With tears in her eyes,” Mary McAlister informed the doctor that she “must go.” “This is for Mary McAlister and all of you.”

“I thank God that I have the privilege of being a medical doctor and by the Grace of God to be a Christian doctor. My model is the Great Physician: Jesus Christ.

“I thank God for my wife, seven children and eleven grandchildren for whom the defense of liberty is necessary. Medicine and its disciplines must be governed by noble principles, which embody honor, sacrifice, integrity and perseverance. The patient-physician relationship is neither artificial nor impersonal, but is an engagement of confidence and commitment based upon knowledge and experience with trust…

“When medicine is hijacked and transformed into a political instrument, corruption usurps compassion. This is what is happening in our American republic.


To Be Continued ...