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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 10:22 PM


First Published in 1994


‘Protect Us’ Rally Organizers Decry Double Standard, Demand Refund

Three bus loads of demonstrators numbering more than 150 stopped off in Greenville last Thursday and held a rally in Greenville County Council Chambers in violation of longstanding Council policy regarding use of facilities. The policy provides that Council Chambers may only be used by governmental entities for government business.

By close of business, Monday afternoon, Joe Kernel!, the County Administrator, could provide no information indicating that the mostly out-of-state demonstrators were required to pay any required fees or show proof of liability insurance that is required of local citizen groups who use County property for rallies or other gatherings. Responding to questions by telephone, Monday, Kernell denied having a role in violating Council policy and permitting the demonstrators to use Council chambers for their rally.

Council chamber doors remain locked except when being used by authorized personnel, according to a member of County Council. Someone in authority had to instruct the Sheriff Deputies on duty, who have custody of the keys, to unlock the doors.

The unanswered question is: Who ordered the chamber doors ulocked and who granted permission for a group of demonstrators to hold a rally in Council chambers without the knowledge or approval of either the County Clerk or County Administrator?

Local citizens, who first learned of the rally in a daily newspaper front page story and additional photos of inside activities on the paper website, were outraged at the apparent double standard and favoritism shown the bussed-in demonstrators.

Organizers of the Protect Us Rally that were required to pay $150.00 to use a corner of the County Square parking lot on a cold rainy Saturday when County offices were closed; Pay for security provided by two deputies; and Required to show proof of liability insurance are demanding a refund.

Harry Kibler, one of the organizers of the Protect Us Rally, a part of the National Day of Resistance said he did not inquire about using Council chambers because he though that the chamber would be too small for their planned event. The County Clerk, Theresa Kizer, has turned down other requests, however, citing Council policy.

Kibler said county officials reluctantly gave permission for his group to use part of the parking lot on Saturday morning provided he pay the $150.00 fee, pay for security and provide proof of liability insurance.