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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 10:17 PM


First Published in 1994


The New American – March 4th – E-mails released January 30 by the non-partisan Judicial Watch (JW) group showed that Obama’s increasingly out-of-control Department of Justice was collaborating closely with the ultra-leftist Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). To make matters worse, hate-mongering propaganda issued by the widely criticized organization was implicated last year in an attempted mass-shooting at the conservative-leaning Family Research Council (FRC) headquarters in Washington, D.C.

After the failed terror attack scheme by a homosexual activist to murder FRC employees, concerned conservatives and even some homosexual groups across America expressed increasing alarm over the dangerous rhetoric and propaganda distributed by the SPLC, rhetoric equating mainstream pro-family and Christian groups with organizations such as the KKK, neo-Nazis, and terrorists. The SPLC and its hysterical attacks were thrust into the spotlight especially after it was revealed that the shooter used the organization’s “hate map” propaganda to select his target.

The almost two-dozen pages of e-mails revealed that SPLC co-founder Morris Dees, who has come under heavy criticism from across the political spectrum as a con-artist, fraud, hate monger, and more, gave a press conference at the DOJ last July that was “simulcast to everyone’s PC throughout the Department.” DOJ officials working with the SPLC, as is evident throughout the chain of correspondence, regard the controversial figure as an “inspiration” even for young children.

To Judicial Watch and numerous other organizations, however, such treatment is highly inappropriate, considering the “civil rights” group’s inflammatory propaganda. “The SPLC is an attack group, and it is disturbing that it has premier access to our Department of Justice, which is charged with protecting the First Amendment rights of all Americans,” noted JW chief Tom Fitton.

Conservative, Christian, and libertarian activists and organizations have long been alarmed by the SPLC’s attacks on loyal Americans and the group’s efforts to spread potentially dangerous disinformation among the law-enforcement community. In fact, THE NEW AMERICAN has spent considerable space exposing the SPLC, especially to educate law-enforcement officials about the false and misleading propaganda the organization disseminates.

While the SPLC itself may be troubling to experts and analysts, even more problematic, according to critics, is the U.S. Justice Department’s collaboration with an anti-freedom group that is notorious for seeking to silence and demonize political opposition on topics ranging from big government to cultural relativism. However, it is hardly the first time the DOJ — especially under the Obama administration — has been exposed working with, or covering up for, potentially dangerous organizations.


Used by Permission, The New American - March 4th Issue.