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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 12:19 AM


First Published in 1994


Betty-Poe--Cal-ThomasAuthor and television commentator Cal Thomas kept his audience of more than a thousand sitting on the edge of their chairs as he brought them from laughter to tears and back to laughter.

Thomas was the guest speaker at the Piedmont Women’s Center Annual Banquet for Life. He  wove a brilliant blend of tasteful humor  with the very somber subject of life, death, murder and the wrath of God.

Prior to his presentation, Thomas and his audience witnessed live ultrasound images of 12 and 14 week old unborn babies in the womb of volunteers on the large

TD Center screen. A guided tour of the developing infant was  led by a Piedmont Women’s Center staff nurse.

Thomas discussed the horrors being displayed in the current trial of a Philadelphia doctor who is accused of murdering  infants that had survived abortions.

The Supreme Court “took the place of God 40 years ago” when they decided it was OK to kill unborn babies in the safety of their mother’s womb, said Cal  Thomas.  As a nation of people, we have allowed that carnage to take place with the loss of thousands of lives each year.

“Nothing seems to be working anymore.” We are losing our financial and military strength. “We have already lost our moral strength. Why should we deserve anything?”

We have forgotten God. What are we doing in this country that would be worthy of God’s love? Thomas asked. He added, however, that there is a road back from what we deserve. He said the way back is called “repentance.”

“There is nothing that gets God’s attention quicker than repentance,” Thomas concluded.

The Piedmont Women’s Center operates four pregnancy medical clinics in Greenville County. They are located on Grove Road and Laurens Road in Greenville, in Greer and in Slater Marietta in northern Greenville County. Administrative offices are located at 1389 Brushy Creek Road, Taylors. The center operating expenses for 2012 were $680,202. The annual banquet is the major fund raising event of the year. Ms. Lenna Fox Neill is CEO.