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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 12:22 AM


First Published in 1994


Resolutions Passed Opposing Federally Dictated Intrusive Unfunded Education Mandate


The Greenville County Republican Women’s Club during their March luncheon meeting at the Poinsett Club unanimously passed a resolution asking state leaders to take four actions to distance South Carolina from the education Common Core State Standards Initiative and the SBAC assessment scheme.

Common Core is described by opponents as “an attempt by progressive education “reformers” in Washington, D.C. to herd the states into national standards, eventually culminating in a national curriculum.  The Obama Administration used stimulus money and “Race to the Top” grants to create incentives for 45 states and the District of Columbia to accept the mandates. Currently sixteen states have withdrawn or are in the process of doing so.

The following Monday night, the Greenville County Republican Party Executive Committee passed the same resolution. The resolution was read by Party Secretary Geri Warren. After discussion the resolution was passed unanimously followed by enthusiatic applause.

The two influential organizations resolved that state leaders should:

1.  Withdraw our state from the Common Core State Standards Initiative.

2.  Withdraw our state from the SBAC assessment scheme, and any other testing aligned with the Common Core Standards.

3.  Prohibit all state officials from entering into any agreement that cedes any measure of control over South Carolina education to entities outside the state and ensure that all content standards and curriculum decisions are adopted through a transparent state-wide process fully accountable to the citizens of South Carolina, and

4.  Prohibit the collection of personal student data for any non-educational purpose, and the sharing of personal data except with schools or education agencies within the state.

The resolution was presented by Sheri Few, Founder, President and CEO of South Carolina Parents Involved in Education (SCPIE).

SCPIE is a grassroots organization committed to excellence in education through the meaningful involvement of parents in their children’s education.

One of the most objectionable aspects of Common Core to parents is the requirement that schools collect 400 data points on each student and provide it to the federal government for their data bank.

The required information includes student test scores, disciplinary record, health history, family income range, religious affiliation, political affiliation, address and bus stops and times, to list a few.

The Republican Executive Committee, also approved rule changes that clearly state that the Greenville County Republican Party is a private organization with the Constitutional right to the freedom of political association that permits the party to select its Party candidates without influence from Government or participation of non-Republicans in the selection process. Attorneys assisting the County Party answered questions.

Greenville County Republicans have led the state in an effort to bring about ‘registration by party’ in the primary candidate selection process.