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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 12:22 AM


First Published in 1994


Sen. Tim Scott Headlined Convention Speakers

Betty-Poe---GOP-ChairmanMore than 500 delegates from precincts across Greenville County elected Betty Poe to serve another term as Chairman of the Greenville County Republican Party. Mrs. Poe has devoted more than a decade of her life almost exclusively to strengthening the Republican Party in Greenville County and South Carolina. As president of the Greenville County Republican Women’s Club, president of the South Carolina Federation of Republican Women and chairman of the Greenville County Republican Party, Betty Poe is known across the nation as the Republican woman of action in the Palmetto State. She recently became the first South Carolinian in more than three decades to be elected to an office of vice president on the staff of the National Federation of Republican Women.

The delegates elected Nate Leupp  first vice chairman replacing Harry Kibler who did not seek reelection. Leupp is current President of Upstate Young Republicans. Jim Lee was elected state executive committeeman replacing Dan Herren who held the position for four years.

The convention elected delegates to represent Greenville County Republicans at the state convention set for May 4 in Columbia.

United States Senator Tim Scott kicked off the Greenville County Republican Convention, Saturday morning, with characteristic humor and a few serious comments of a conservative nature. He joked about failing Civics in high school, as well as World Geography, Spanish and English. He said failing both Spanish and English did not make him bilingual.

With a strong-willed mother and a couple of adult mentors, Tim Scott got his act together. He became a good student, developed a work ethic, started his own successful business and is now a United States Senator replacing Sen. Jim DeMint.

Harry-Kibler-Award“We in South Carolina are leading the nation in new jobs,” the Senator said. “What we are proving on a daily basis is that our workforce here in South Carolina should be a model for workforces across the country.” With regard for attacks on gun rights, he said emphatically: “No way, no how, not here.”

In closing, Senator Scott said: “God bless you. We live in a country blessed by God. Our country has a destiny yet to be fulfilled. As we remember why we are who we are, the best is yet to come. If we think about Ephesians 3:20

‘He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or imagine.’ If we remember that, we can see victory day in and day out.

Senator Scott was followed on the speakers platform by Third District Rep. Jeff Duncan who represents Southern Greenville County since redistricting. State GOP Chairman Chad Connally and his challenger Samuel Harms also spoke to the delegates. Senator Lindsey Graham did not attend the convention, however, his announced challenger Richard Cash was present and was allowed to speak after a motion from the floor and an affirmative vote by delegates.

Chairman Poe presented several awards to Republican workers. Harry Kibler was presented the Carroll Campbell Courage in Leadership Award. The special Chairman’s Award was presented to Linda Garner and Bob Dill received the Lifetime Achievement Award.

Distinguished Service Awards for outstanding service to the Greenville County Republican Party were presented to Marsha Christian, Dan Herren, Laurie Lee, Geri Warren and Linda Weeks.

Chairman Poe announced that the  2013 Strom Thurmond Leadership Award would be presented to Third District Congressman Trey Gowdy at a later date.