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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 12:24 AM


First Published in 1994


Devanny educates on Jeffersonian culture


Americans are slowly losing their independence in an age where big business and big government go hand in hand.

“If you wish to revive Jeffersonianism then you have to revive the culture of Jeffersonianism,” said Dr. John Devanny, an associate scholar with the Abbeville Institute.

According to Devanny, Thomas Jefferson had the “rightful remedy” to tyranny. While speaking to the Greenville Tea Party on May 9, Devanny explained that the Jefferson Republic is dependent on ownership.

“You must have people that own farms and own small businesses in order to secure a republic,” said Devanny.

Most farms are large corporate industrial farms, with “farmer” no longer a category in the census. Fewer and fewer people are self employed now than at any time in this nation’s history. Both of these losses have happened under both democratic and republican administrations.

Devanny’s answer to why we need independent workers is simply – virtue.

“If you were independent and self sufficient you could do two things. You could pursue happiness,” said Devanny. “The second thing that you could do is be insulated from corruption and bribery. It would be harder to bribe that land owner, that business owner then someone that was very dependent on government.”

The pursuit of happiness that Devanny refers to is being able to have the means to better your community and participate in civic affairs.

“Ya’ll are in for a long hard fight and it will not end. You’re not even actually fighting for yourselves. You are fighting for your children and grandchildren,” said Devanny.

According to Devanny there are several ways to combat the loss of independence from expanding government and business. The first is faith. Faith in the home is important for all denominations. Devanny says that religious faith is a “tremendous necessity” and it has to be handed on throughout generations.

Some other tools for citizens to use to restore the Jeffersonian Republic are ownership, for homes to be productive instead of consumptive; and, home-schooling.

Devanny urges other to grow gardens. Growing a garden is another effort to become self sufficient.

“Don’t let others control the food supply. Be independent. It is a mindset that you have to bring down slowly to children and others,” said Devanny.

Political accountability is a big step for making sure the transition runs as smoothly as possible. Devanny urges other to be republicans with a small “r” before you can make politicians.

“Here is the reality to politics: Politicians follow the people. If you actually get out in front of them and hold them accountable they can do these things,” said Devanny.

Devanny has published and presented work on Thomas Jefferson, the Jeffersonians, Southern intellectual history, and Southern literature. He is the managing editor for the Abbeville Institute’s online journal, Arator, and currently teaches history at Saint Joseph’s Catholic School.

The Greenville Tea Party meets the first Thursday of every month at Zens located at 924 South Main Street, downtown Greenville at 6:30 pm.