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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 12:19 AM


First Published in 1994


“The Evangelical Immigration Table,” Alleged Sponsor of Ads featuring Evangelistic “Leaders” and Targeting Christians is Exposed as George Soros Funded Front Organization

For weeks, conservative and Christian radio signals have been saturated with political ads advising Christians that it is their duty to show compassion and support disguised amnesty for individuals who entered the United States illegally. The objective of this ad campaign is to rally Christian support behind the flawed Senate bill supported by the “Gang of Eight” that includes Senators Lindsey Graham from South Carolina and the radical Progressive Chuck Schumer from New York and six others.

The Senate “amnesty bill” insures a path to citizenship and promises to improve border security later. Congresswoman Michele Bachmann warns that the bill “will end our constitutional republic as we know it.” Rush Limbaugh and Phyllis Schlafly are among those who warn that the senate bill if passed into law will spell the end to the GOP and ensure Democrat rule of the country for decades to come or until the former republic collapses from financial mismanagement. This is a final step in President Obama’s announced promise to “fundamentally transform America.”

Knowledgeable conservatives are warning Evangelical Christians to avoid being deceived by so-called “leaders” who have been duped into participating in their own demise and destruction of the American constitutional republic. Polls of conservatives and evangelical Christians indicate that a majority of them oppose amnesty and a path to citizenship for those who entered the country illegally. At the same time liberal organizations are recruiting denomination leaders to lobby Congress in favor of the amnesty bill supported by the Gang of Eight.

Informed black Americans are alarmed because the employment favoritism toward the estimated 11 million illegal border jumpers contained in the “amnesty” bill will serve to keep the masses of low skilled blacks out of the job market and perpetually dependent on government for financial support.

Well-informed conservatives and law enforcement leaders support a House bill sponsored by Rep. Trey Gowdy, but it is given no chance of passing the liberal Democrat controlled Senate or being supported by President Obama. The Gowdy bill would secure the border before granting a path to citizenship.

Several well-known evangelical “leaders,” including some from the Upstate, have apparently been deceived and joined forces with the allegedly Soros-funded Evangelical Immigration Table advertising campaign. The Greenville News reported June 13, 2012, that Jim Goodroe, Director of Missions for the Spartanburg County Baptist Network, consisting of 95 Southern Baptist churches, “was lured into the politics of immigration reform in March when he taped a one-minute radio commercial for the Evangelical Immigration Table.”

Mike Flynn reporting for Breitbart.com wrote that the “Evangelical Immigration Table, a coalition supporting immigration reform, has launched a six-figure ad campaign pushing Congress to enact immigration legislation. The ads urging evangelicals to ‘pray’ for a path to citizenship, include the disclaimer that they were ‘paid for’ by the Table. This is odd, because the group doesn’t legally exist. It is a highly misleading claim.”

Breitbart News has confirmed that the National Immigration Forum (NIF) made the actual purchase of the ads.

Flynn explained that the NIF and the Evangelical Immigration Table both received a lot of money from George Soros’ “left-wing Open Society Institute” and the Ford Foundation, another prominent funder of leftist organizations.

Surveys have shown that a majority of evangelical Christians, especially those affiliated with Tea Party organizations, oppose amnesty and a path to citizenship for those who entered this country illegally.

VDARE.com has published a detailed article by Allen Wall showing a major propaganda effort through the liberal media to convince congress that evangelistic Christians support amnesty. The article is dated June 7, 2013, and is titled Memo From Middle America: Evangelical “Leaders” Need Reality Check – Evangelicals Don’t Support Amnesty.

Despite the Gang of Eight and the propaganda ads aimed at Christians promising security of the border, the entire Gang of Eight joined with Democrats to kill an amendment offered by Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley that would have significantly strengthened the border security requirements of the Senate bill.

Phyllis Schlafly and Eagle Forum responding to the vote on the Grassley amendment said: “The Gang of Eight assured us that amnesty would only happen once the borders were secure, now they are blatantly breaking that promise and refusing to secure the borders. We need you to keep calling to stop this bill.”

Gang of Eight member Sen. Marco Rubio said he could not support S. 744 in its current form because the border security provisions are so weak, yet voted to kill the Grassley bill that would have strengthened border security.

Observers who fear the worst scenario believe the Senate and House will both enact immigration bills. The House will pass something for fear of the Democrats using inaction against them in the 2014 elections. They will go to conference and the final bill will mirror the Senate version. A few Republicans will join the Democrats to pass the final version in the Senate. Rep. Nancy Pelosi will rally Democrats and using fear tactics stampede enough RINO Republicans to squeak the bad bill through the Republican controlled House.

President Obama would sign the bill into law with a big celebration and announce he will issue an executive order permitting those affected by the new law to register and vote in the 2014 elections.  There would be nothing Republicans could do to stop him with the current Justice Department and Attorney General.

The June 17th, 2013, Supreme Court decision apparently declaring voters cannot be required to prove that they are American citizens will aid President Obama in herding none-citizens to the polls in future elections.

Evangelical Christians are the key to success or failure of the amnesty bill. That is why radical Progressive groups are willing to spend millions to dupe as many ignorant, uninformed, and misinformed evangelicals as possible, so they will vote against their own interests.

The tactics have worked to secure the support of black churches to have their followers vote against their interests for decades. They hope the same deceptive tactics will work on evangelicals who are afflicted with “white guilt.” To date they are having some success, according to reports in the liberal media.