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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 12:20 AM


First Published in 1994



TAYLORS, SC - Americans for Constitutional Government, a local conservative education and action group that emphasizes adherence to the principles of the Founders, celebrated their fiftieth anniversary Saturday, July 13, 2013, with a barbeque at the Academy of Arts.

Over 80 guests attended for a scrumptious meal, inspiring music, and an engaging array of patriotic speakers, including movie producer E. Ray Moore, past ACG director Ann Campbell, SC Rep. Bill Chumley, SC Senator Tom Davis, SC Senator Lee Bright, and others.

Each of the speakers presented a passionate appeal for action in the support of American virtue and constitutional freedom.  R. Josiah Magnuson, the current ACG director, outlined a vision for the continued growth of ACG, including neighborhood Constitution Clubs, activism for legislation on several issues, including against abortion, and a "leadership caucus" of Upstate liberty groups.

Of special interest to the audience was Senator Lee Bright's statement that if the field remains as it currently is, he intends to announce a challenge to Lindsey Graham for U.S. Senate within the next month.  He also stated while he and other legislators are doing their best to reclaim our country, the success of the battle really rests on each individual becoming a messenger of liberty in our communities, schools, and families.

Rep. Chumley received a standing ovation after his speech in which he proclaimed that he would continue to fight for what was right for the people of South Carolina, regardless of pressure and regardless of media opinion.  He said that while initially he had not desired a job at the State House, it was what God had called him to do, and he would do it for as long as God allowed him to continue there.  He stated, "It's time for us in Columbia to stop worrying about keeping our job, and start doing our job."

Sen. Tom Davis encouraged the audience to stand firm in the battle to make South Carolina the freest state in the Union.  He stated that he has given up on the possibility of Washington, DC turning our country around, and instead is redoubling his efforts in Columbia.  Sen. Davis affirmed his intent to see that Obamacare, the NDAA, and other unconstitutional acts are nullified this coming year.

E. Ray Moore, a retired Lt. Col. and Army chaplain, and the producer of "IndoctriNation: The Movie," presented a call to fight the war of the worldviews on the front of education.  He stated that government schools are training citizens who do not understand the true heritage of our country.  He admonished that the solution is not reform of government schools, which so far has been unsuccessful, but a transition to homeschooling and other Christian education.

Ann Campbell gave a brief overview of the history of the group, from its founding in the early 1960s as the local chapter of Women for Constitutional Government, to its new direction and youthful face under the leadership of Josiah Magnuson.  She emphasized that she thanked the Lord for sending Mr. Magnuson along "at just the right time."

Rep. Chumley and Mrs. Campbell were presented with awards for their stand for the right and their dedication to the cause of liberty and law.  Rep. Chumley was recognized for being the primary sponsor of H3101, a measure this year aimed to allow South Carolina to nullify the recent Federal "health" mandates together known as Obamacare.  Mrs. Campbell was the long-time devoted leader of ACG who developed the group into a broadly-focused and effective voice of constitutional conservatism in the Upstate.  ACG will continue to give these awards annually to dedicated patriots, in their honor.

Other speakers included Mr. Harley Staton, a 22-year old businessman from the Pickens area, who announced his candidacy for SC House against Rep. Phil Owens, and Mr. Bill Bledsoe, a petition candidate for U.S. Senate.

Harp and cello music was provided by Rahab Hackett and Alexander Rice, members of Conservative Students for a Better Tomorrow at Furman University.

Americans for Constitutional Government would like to give a special thanks to the Academy of Arts and the Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary for the use of their facilities.