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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 12:21 AM


First Published in 1994


Observers from Columbia Jubilant after Groover's 55 to 52 Victory

Chad Groover won a narrow 55 to 52 victory over Samuel Harms Monday night to become the chairman of the Greenville County Republican Party Executive Committee. The outcome, although virtually evenly divided, was seen by observers as a rejection of “Tea Party” and  “RINO Hunt” Republican activists by “Establishment Republicans” and Sen. Lindsey Graham supporters.

The outcome was of great interest to South Carolina GOP executives and the legislative leadership in Columbia. House Speaker Bobby Harrell had an observer on site.

The election was conducted by secret ballot. Candidates spent more than an hour responding to questions from committeemen from the floor.

In response to questions, Groover made it clear that he favors the “big tent” approach to growing the party and winning elections. His plans include recruiting minorities and  welcoming Rockefeller Republicans into the local party. At the same time, he agreed with Harms that candidates who run as Republicans and govern as Democrats should be replaced.

“I’m sure Columbia is smiling tonight,” said former Greenville mayoral candidate Billy Mitchell. Mitchell saw the election as “a contest between a big tent Republican and a proven conservative that believes that if we stay with our conservative principles and attract like-minded people, we can offer an alternative to the Democrats. What we observed in Greenville County  tonight was ‘the tail wagging the dog,’” Mitchell said, alluding to his belief that there was too much “out of county” influence in the election.

The Executive Committee voted to ask Attorney  Samuel Harms to continue representing the party pro Bono as the county party continues to seek a legal means to force the Republican dominated legislature to allow Republicans to choose their own candidates without participation by members of opposition parties. Harms reported that an independent survey documented that more than 20 percent of Republican primary voters in a recent election cycle had voted for Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama in the General Election.

Attorney Stephen Brown was released from his agreement to provide free legal services in support of the federal lawsuit. Brown is said to be “tired, frustrated and disgusted with the unethical behavior” of certain unnamed Republican officials.

Early in the meeting, Executive Committee Woman Linda Weeks offered a motion that first Vice Chairman Nate Leupp who was acting as presiding officer be “temporarily removed from the proceedings of the election” due to his open support of Chad Groover. The motion was rejected on parliamentary grounds.

Newly elected chairman Chad Groover made no statement to the committee following his election. In response to questions earlier, he committed to supporting the major issues the party has supported in the past.

Chairman Groover has stressed unity, but has a leadership challenge ahead, as congressional elections approach with half of the Executive Committee opposed to his election and some of his supporters exhibiting open verbal hostility toward Tea Party and RINO Hunt Republicans.