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Inhofe, DeMint, Sessions Decry Cancellation Of Third Missile Defense Site
- Details
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Three U.S. Sens. today expressed outrage that the Obama Administration has cancelled a third missile defense site scheduled to be deployed in Poland and the Czech Republic:
"I have long viewed the deployment of a layered ballistic missile defense as an urgent priority, vital to the future of our country's national security," said U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), a senior member of the Armed Services committee and a member of the Foreign Relations Committee. "The Obama's Administration's decision to cancel the third missile defense site scheduled to be deployed in Poland and the Czech Republic is short-sighted and leaves America and our allies vulnerable to the growing missile threat from Iran. Iran has developed short and medium range missiles capable of hitting targets in the Middle East and southeastern Europe. Our only true defense is an effective layered defensive capability to shoot down ballistic missiles that threaten this country, our allies and our deployed forces around the globe."