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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 02:17 AM


First Published in 1994


Thomas-Kendall---ACG-NYearsGREER - Americans for Constitutional Government (ACG), a non-partisan educational and civic group active in Upstate South Carolina since 1962, held their annual New Year's Banquet on Saturday, January 25, at the Sugar Creek Clubhouse.  Speakers included Lee Benedict, author of "Freedom Heist," State Representative Dan Hamilton, Candidate for Superintendent of Education Sheri Few, and local doctor and current President of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Dr. Tom Kendall.

Lee Benedict, a veteran of the Iraq War and a professional special education instructor, presented how the Communist Manifesto has been implemented in the United States over the last few decades.  He encouraged the audience to distribute his new book, which presents a needed insight into the true nature of the challenges to our nation's liberty.

Rep. Dan Hamilton discussed a bill he introduced in the SC House, H3514, which would ban weapons from being mounted on drones in South Carolina, and ensure that any drone surveillance in our state would be subject to Fourth Amendment restrictions.  H3514 recently passed the House unanimously and now resides in committee in the Senate.

Sheri Few emphasized the importance of the battle against Common Core and stated that her candidacy for Superintendent of Education is on behalf of so many teachers who have been intimidated into silence on this issue.

Dr. Tom Kendall provided an inspirational and visionary message, telling the audience that they should be encouraged and take heart.  He stated that while we live in a time of crisis, we still have good news for our country, that faith in Christ and the spreading of His Word can provide us with refuge.

Kendall also said, “The strength of the American Republic is not found in the enforcement of regulations that violate the will of the people, it is in the defense of righteous justice that is born of truth and freedom.”

He also said, “Federal influence that empowers a document that is so comprehensive that it usurps our nations original charters has become tyrannical. ACA is not about healthcare and the well-being of Americans, it is about control.”

“We are a nation that values personal freedom of choice. We choose our physicians and build relationships with them; relationships that sometimes last for decades. Government healthcare is not insurance, it is a means of gaining power by deception.”

ACG also announced a U.S. Senate Debate they will host on Friday, April 25, 2014.  Their two goals for this debate are: 1. To bring U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham to the table with the conservative challengers, and 2. To ask each candidate specific and pointed questions on the constitutional issues of our time, to gain knowledge of how they would vote on each issue if elected.

ACG holds monthly meetings on the fourth Monday at 10am at Symmes Library on Pelham Rd.  For more information on their group, visit www.scnullify.com, or call 864-420-7933.