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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 02:14 AM


First Published in 1994


Will Keep Oath: To Support and Defend the Constitution of the United States Against all Enemies, Foreign and Domestic

Bill-Connor---4-30-14Bill Connor, one of the candidates challenging incumbent United States Senator Lindsey Graham in the June 10 Republican Primary stopped by The Times Examiner office recently.

Connor is an articulate candidate conversant on all major issues both foreign and domestic. Although he is currently a practicing attorney, his military service has prepared him to be effective in any potential debate with Graham. He is able to draw from his training and experience as a commissioned officer in the United States Army with combat and advisory service in the Middle East. Connor is the only candidate challenging Graham with military experience. His combat experience was as an Infantry officer, while Sen. Graham has served as a military JAG (lawyer) Officer. The number of members of Congress and the Senate who have served their country in uniform is the smallest ever. That shortages of experience in the body that funds the personnel and equipment for national defense can be dangerous in the current dangerous environment.

Connor remains in the Army Reserve. He has been married for 23 years and has three school age children. His home and law practice are in Orangeburg. He is a graduate of the Citadel.

He favors limiting the federal government to the powers enumerated in the Constitution. He is an advocate for reclaiming exclusive congressional power to declare war. He is opposed to amnesty for illegal residents.

Connor pledges to protect rights to life of the unborn, elderly and all in between. He also promises to defend the right to bear arms, free speech and privacy.

He would oppose judicial activism when voting to confirm judges. He is a strong supporter of the 10th Amendment, State sovereignty and traditional marriage.

He believes the United States should stand with Israel, clearly identify our allies and adversaries, and engage in conflicts only when in our “National Strategic Interest.”

Regarding the domestic economy, Connor supports a balanced budget; transition to consumption based tax policy. He favors term limits.

The oath that Connor took as a US Army Officer to “Support and Defend the Constitution of the United States Against all enemies, Foreign and Domestic,” is the same that he would take if elected to the Senate. He stresses that he takes that oath very seriously.