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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 04:20 AM


First Published in 1994



Vietnam War Veteran and Historian Mike Scruggs headed the Greenville County Republican Women’s Club Americanism Program, June 26th with a discussion of his book Lessons from the Vietnam War: Truths the Media Never Told You.

Scruggs is a regular columnist for The Times Examiner and the author of three books. The Vietnam War book includes the story of his near death experience as an Intelligence Officer and navigator on a twin prop A-26 attack bomber as part of an Air Commando operation interdicting supply lines at night on the Ho Chi Minh Trail in Laos.

Scruggs is one of a few Air Force personnel to bail out of a burning A-26 attack bomber at night and live to tell about it.

Scruggs talked about several of the widely held misconceptions about the war that are discussed in his book.

Scruggs documented the most tragic mistakes and intentional blunders by political leaders in Washington that “severely restrained Allied offensive capabilities (causing countless unnecessary casualties), tossed aside decisive military victories, and finally in 1975, Callously abandoned the people of South Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos to Soviet sponsored North Vietnamese Aggression, resulting in over three million civilian casualties.

One of the ;more cruel and damaging myths of the Vietnam War was the story repeated by the U.S. Liberal Media that “the Tet Offensive was a devastating blow to the United States and South Vietnamese forces and a major military victory for the Communists.”

The truth is that Tet was an unmitigated disaster for the Communist forces. This was confirmed by Communist leaders years later, however, the American media or politicians never told the American public and textbooks continue to perpetuate the lie.