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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 06:25 AM


First Published in 1994


Giving an interview is one thing, talking under oath in sworn testimony is quite another matter. Hillary Clinton has done both when answering questions about the lack of adequate security at our facility in Bengahzi, Libya. The security was such an issue that more than one employee of the Department of State requested that it be upgraded, and in every case those requests were denied. Hillary Clinton would have you believe it was not her that denied those requests even though she was Secretary of State and the law said it was her responsibility … more on that in a minute.

The meager security led to the deaths of four Americans in a planned attack by radical Muslims. Whatever else one might call the attackers they were certainly that, radical and Muslims. These guys did not have time to watch videos, they were busy locking and loading. Since Hillary Clinton and the entire Obama administration is unwilling to say that it is left to those of us who prefer to remain familiar with the truth to do so.

Hillary Clinton is running for President…trust me. Being the first woman President is virtually her life-long ambition, the fulfillment of which was denied her by Barack Obama in 2008. If you ever wondered why she stuck with her husband after his lies about a young woman named Monica could no longer be sustained, this is why-she will need Bill Clinton to get elected President. Nothing short of health issues so dramatic that she cannot hide them from the public will prevent her from chasing her dream yet again in 2016. And Bill will deliver on his promise to help because if she gets elected his name gets elevated too.

Her book tour is the unofficial launch of her campaign for President. Oh, she will sell a few books and that is fine because now we have her lies in print as well. But the primary purpose of the book tour is to sharpen her campaign skills. Terry Gross, a liberal icon at NPR, recently discovered just how devoted to burnishing her skill set Hillary is by persisting in asking about gay marriage and Hillary’s recent conversion to favoring it. Such dustups will happen whenever anyone presses a question she does not want to answer, at least not truthfully. And that brings us back to Hillary and the law she does not want anyone to ask her about.

In her sworn testimony at a Senate hearing on Bengahzi in January, 2013 (while she was still Sec. of State), Mrs. Clinton said that security requests “did not come to me. I did not approve them. I did not deny them.” Sworn testimony implies an appreciation for the rule of law. But it is a mistake to assume that everyone believes in the rule of law. Judging by their actions it is clear that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton would much prefer that we ignore the Constitution that says ours is a government of laws.

In 1998 the American embassies in Tanzania and Kenya were bombed by more of those radical Muslim guys. Bill and Hillary Clinton were in the White House at that time. BTW: if you are now having trouble believing the people who continue to engage in these assaults against America are “on the run” as Obama keeps insisting you might be a conservative.

In response to the embassy bombings, Congress in 1999 passed “The Secure Embassy Construction and Counterterrorism Act.” SECCA as it is known is still on the books and requires two things. One: only the Secretary of State can grant a waiver on security that does not meet standards; Two: the Secretary “may not delegate” the waiver decision. To someone interested in the rule of law that is very clear. (If you question my veracity, check the law yourself on Google or Bing.)

Relative to Bengahzi, Hillary has two choices: 1) she can admit she was lying about security decisions and whether she was involved or 2) she can admit she broke the law on her watch at Foggy Bottom. Which would be the deeper damage to her run for President? Could she sell the idea that she “misspoke” when testifying under oath? Would that get her clear of Bengahzi as she would like or will native son Trey Gowdy, the former Prosecutor from SC, use the power of his Special Committee to hold her accountable?

One of the perpetrators of Bengahzi has recently been identified and arrested; Hillary Clinton is still at large.


David W. Thompson is a former State Representative in Alaska. He was a Township Administrator in New Jersey until he recently escaped. He has also been an Adjunct Professor at several colleges including Lees-McRae College in Banner Elk, NC. A graduate of Westminster College, New Wilmington, Pa. and the JFKennedy School of Government, Harvard University, he now resides in Easley, SC.