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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 04:23 AM


First Published in 1994


Greenville County GOP Executive Committee Discussed Support of RINOS and their Opponents

Groover---Fox-Smith_Page-03The Greenville County Republican Party Executive Committee spent most of their Monday evening August meeting time discussing rules governing county and precinct officers and the requirement that they refrain from openly supporting opponents of the party nominee in the General Election.

A planned resolution to wave a rule that would allow Executive Committeemen to support a petition candidate challenging United States Senator Lindsey Graham was never presented to the committee for consideration.

The rules state that a party officer forfeits his office if he supports an opponent of the party candidate.

The only motion that made it to the floor was one regarding the primary winner and Republican Party nominee for Superintendent of  Education.


The committeeman making the motion quoted statistics supporting the conclusion that the candidate representing the Republican Party in the November General Election has a three decade record of financial support of liberal Democrats and therefore the Greenville County Republican Party should not in any way help in her election to the office of Superintendent of Education.

Two votes were held. The first was a tie vote and the second tie was broken by a “no” vote by the county chairman.

The open primary system that allows Democrats to vote in Republican primaries makes it virtually impossible for a true Republican conservative candidate to win a statewide primary and represent the party in the General Election.

The open primary system and recent election law changes make the Republican Party of South Carolina little more than a social club with little influence on meaningful lawmaking in the state legislature.

The vote Monday night indicates once again that the Greenville County Republican Party Executive Committee as currently constituted, is evenly split between ideological conservatives and  those who tend to put party loyalty first.