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Monday, January 20, 2025 - 10:34 AM


First Published & Printed in 1994


Beneficiaries of Largest Tax Increase in Greenville County History may spend a Million Dollars to Get Taxpayer Funding of their “pet” projects

Greenville County residents are facing the largest and most cynical tax increase scheme in the County’s history. The scheme is even more deceptive than the notorious “Greenville Plan” for circumventing the South Carolina constitutional debt limit, forming a dummy corporation, and borrowing a billion dollars to build new schools.

It should be noted that the State Legislature moved swiftly to pass a law making the “Greenville Plan” practice illegal in the future. The law was not retroactive and the Greenville County School Board was allowed to proceed with contracts already executed and none of the participants in the scheme were charged with a crime.

The proposed increase in the sales tax is being sold to the public allegedly to provide funds to make necessary repairs to roads. To advocates of the tax, it is to fund their “pet” projects. Bicycle clubs will get funding for bicycle trails; real estate developers will get funding for sidewalks and other amenities in their developments. Paving contractors see lists of new streets to pave. Environmentalists see many projects to serve their interests for taxpayers to fund. Finally, the tax increase has little to do with the immediate repair of potholes and a lot to do with filling the pockets of insiders.

A coalition of leftist liberal special interest groups joined by funding and pressure from large corporations, government agencies and taxpayer supported environmental groups will spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in an attempt to convince voters to approve a 17 percent tax increase on Greenville County residents.

A referendum will be on the ballot during the November 2014 General Election for a one-percent increase in the county sales tax.

A close look at the supporters of the tax increase and what they are saying to different special interest groups is all one needs to demonstrate that the entire tax increase ploy is a massive scam. The leaders hope to trick gullible voters to raise their taxes to fix potholes in roads and using most of the money for bike trails, sidewalks and other projects to benefit dozens of groups making up the tax and spend coalition.

To get a feel for the big bucks behind the tax hike lobby go to the web site of Bike Walk Greenville at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The Executive Director is from Fluor Corporation, Chairman of the Board from SynTerra, Board Secretary from Greenville Health System, other board members from General Electric, Palmetto Cycling Coalition, Pedal Chic, and Greenville City Council.

Some of the local partners in the lobbying effort are Bikeville-City of Greenville, Greenville Spinners Bicycle Club, Live Well Greenville, Palmetto Cycling Coalition and Upstate Forever.

There has been no organized effort to oppose and expose misinformation and misleading information put out by the tax advocates, until Tuesday, September 9, when Americans for Prosperity (AFP) held a news conference and rally at their Greenville Headquarters and announced their plan to defeat the 17 percent tax hike.

Debbie Spaugh, Upstate Grassroots Director for AFP, said: “The big-government special interest groups will spend whatever it takes to pass this 17 percent sales tax hike. Even though a 17 percent tax hike will mean higher prices and less money in your pocket, we think this will be a close election. Expect a flurry of radio ads, direct mail and even television commercials touting the unnecessary tax hike.”