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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 04:25 AM


First Published in 1994


“We have several thousands in the pipeline and that number will continue to go up.”

In February, the State Department eased the rules to protect the U. S. from accepting refugees with potential ties to terrorist organizations. The rules were seen as “too strict” by the Obama Administration.

WND and Front Page Politics reported Monday that on September 4, a U. S. State Department spokesman “hinted that a new wave of refugees will soon be coming from another  predominantly Muslim nation – Syria.”

The U. N. High Commissioner on Refugees is referring Syrian refugees to the United States. “We have several thousand in the pipeline, and that number will continue to go up,” he said.

Local newspapers have reported that an unknown number of Muslim refugees are expected to arrive in the North Carolina “Triad” area.

The Cleveland Plain Dealer reported Sept. 10 that the city’s social services were preparing for a “flood of refugees” from Syria and Iraq later this year. Cleveland Akron and Columbus, Ohio, have been hotspots in the past for Muslim refugees coming from the Middle East.

Once the refugees are relocated to an American city, they are quickly connected to an array of taxpayer-funded social services, including MEDICAID, food stamps, and subsidized housing. Interpreters and tutors are often provided to help bridge the language gap that refugee children will find in local public schools.

Approximately 115,000 Iraqis have been shipped to American cities since Sept. 11. Another 100,000 Somalis have been settled in the United States. They are 99.9 percent Muslim.

Islamic radicals are recruiting young Muslims that arrive in America. There is very little vetting of these Muslims.

There is a strong pro-refugee lobby in Washington and the Obama Administration has been particularly receptive to it.

With a war taking place between the United States and Islamic radicals, it is insane to bring large numbers of Muslims into the country, unless the goal is to “transform the country” and American society permanently in violation of the Constitution.

For additional information go to wnd.com.