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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 04:26 AM


First Published in 1994


New Policy will Allow up to 1,500 Illegal Aliens to Join Military and Become Citizens this Year

As many as 1,500 undocumented immigrants (illegal aliens) will be given amnesty in exchange for joining the United States military due to an executive amnesty order announced by President Obama Thursday, September 25, according to reports by usatoday.com and Numbers USA.

President Obama had promised to offer amnesty to an unspecified number of individuals who had entered the United States illegally by the end of summer, however, he delayed the action until after the election for obvious political reasons. Democrat congressional candidates in tightly contested races were afraid the action would result in their defeat at the polls.

By delaying blanket amnesty for undocumented individuals who have entered the country illegally until after the election, Democrats apparently believe voters are too stupid, uninformed or misinformed to hold them accountable at the polls based on what is to come.

The amnesty to be granted after the general election by Obama is intended to increase the number of Democrat voters in critical districts and states.

Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program has already granted amnesty to more then 500,000 illegal aliens since it’s implementation beginning in 2012.

The new policy is known as the “Military Accessions in the National Interest or MAVNI program.”

Illegal aliens who qualified under the DACA amnesty program will be eligible to enlist in the military under the MAVNI program if they possess what is described as “high demand skills.”

The high demand skills are said to be mostly rare foreign language expertise or specialized health care training.

The report released by usatoday.com speculates that “illegal aliens with language skills critical to national security, such as Arabic, Chinese, Pashto or Persian (Iran), will likely be targeted by recruiters.”

Individuals sincerely interested in national security and safety of the American people are deeply concerned about the implications of the newly announced policy, and believe Democrats should be held accountable for the President’s actions at the polls in November.

At a time when the Administration is forcing thousands of trained and experienced combat veterans from military service, it is unwise and even subversive to recruit hundreds of people with questionable loyalties into the ranks of the reduced force. Such a force could be helpful in totalitarian control of the American people.

Author, historian and decorated Vietnam War veteran Mike Scruggs describes the presidential action as “insane.” He adds that the action is “effectively subversive, really dangerous and must be reversed and stopped.”

Acceptance of illegal aliens into the armed forces is occurring at a time when only 20 percent of applicants to enlist are being accepted.

The Defense Department is currently forcing hundreds of commissioned officers and thousands of non-commissioned officers from the rolls. A recent report indicated more than 500 majors would receive termination notices. A little earlier, it was reported that 1,200 or more captains would receive pink slips.

The Military Officer magazine published by the Military Officers Association of America MOAA) reported that 87 deployed army captains were notified of their involuntary separation from the service, “immediately received change of mission orders and will be out of country in 30 days.” They were given 10 months and a choice of duty stations before being permanently separated.

Millions of dollars have been spent training each of these individuals and many have extensive combat experience that is critical to an effective military unit.

The Immigration and Nationality Act has special provisions that allow the U. S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to expedite the application and naturalization process for foreign nationals who are legal residents of the United States and are members of the U. S. armed forces or recently were honorably discharged. Spouses may also be eligible under the Act.

To qualify for citizenship, a service member must meet the following requirements:

* Have good moral character

* Have knowledge of the English language

* Have knowledge of the U. S. Government and History of the United States

* Make an oath of allegiance to the United States Constitution

Beginning in 2009, the first year of the Obama Administration, service members in the United States Army can naturalize when they graduate from basic training. The same rule has since been applied to the Marine Corps, Navy and Air Force.

During his 6-years as Commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the United States, President Obama and his Administration have forced hundreds of Colonels, Generals and Admirals to retire and have  placed individuals they have determined to be enthusiastically in support of Obama agenda in key command and control positions.