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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 06:19 AM


First Published in 1994


Marriage-ACt-Rally1A rally supporting the Protection of Marriage Act was held on Saturday, February 28, 2015, at the Statehouse in Columbia, SC. On November 7, 2006, 78% of the voters in our state approved South Carolina Amendment 1, also known as the Marriage Act. This amendment amended the SC Constitution "so as to provide that in this State and its political subdivisions, a marriage between one man and one woman is the only lawful domestic union that shall be valid or recognized." Last fall, J. Michelle Childs, an Obama-appointed Federal District Judge, told the state of South Carolina that our state constitution was not allowed to define marriage as between one man and one woman. Our state's judges were ordered by this Federal Judge to ignore our state's Constitution and to issue marriage licenses to homosexual couples. In response, a number of our brave state legislators are making a stand against the Federal Government's overreach by taking a position to protect marriage, our state's sovereignty, and the Tenth Amendment. They have introduced a bill, H3022, that will order our state's judges to abide by our state's Constitution. Representative Bill Chumley and Senator Lee Bright are leading the charge. They need warriors who are willing to stand upon principle.  The rally was opened with the singing of the National Anthem, led by Hunter Kendall. Pastor Mark Evans prayed the invocation. Hampton Chumley, grandson of State Representative Bill Chumley, sang "I Saw the Light." Speakers for the event included: Senator Lee Bright, Representative Bill Chumley, Dr. Thomas Kendall, Representative Mike Burns, Representative Garry Smith, and Representative Jonathon Hill. Brian Cemenker, from "Mass Resistance," shared some of the devastating offenses to the rights of Christians to freely practice their faith since the legalization of same sex marriage in his home state of Massachusetts. Ray Moore, Josiah Magnuson and Pastor Mike Parnell also addressed the assembly. Three other states, Oklahoma, Texas and Missouri, are also hoping to pass similar bills.

Please stand with our Christian leaders to show your support of the Protection of Marriage Act (Bill  H3022). Contact the following members of our State Legislature: The Honorable Bruce Bannister: (803) 734-3138, The Honorable Greg Delleney: (803) 734-3120, The Honorable Weston Newton: (803) 212-6810, The Honorable James Smith: (803) 734-2997, and The Honorable Walt McLeod: (803) 734-3276 to respectfully ask for their support of this bill. The American family is under attack. As the family goes, so goes the nation. Please take part in this fight before it is too late! "Duty is ours, consequences are God's."