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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 08:26 AM


First Published in 1994



Jade Helm 15 is an Eight Week Realistic Military Exercise from July 15 to Sept. 15 to train Special Operations soldiers in all Branches of the Military for Unconventional Warfare on American Soil in Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and Utah.

Nerves are on edge from Texas to Utah as more than 60,000 armed active duty US troops prepare to “invade” public and private land in four western states. The Obama Administration insist that the training exercise is necessary to train troops for future combat assignments.

Skeptics, who distrust the Obama Administration, question why the training can’t be accomplished on the thousands of acres of military bases or other federal land and fear that the exercise is preparation for something more cynical, such as Martial Law.

Officially, Jade Helm 15 is an eight-week exercise from July 15 to September 15, to train Special Operations soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines in all branches of the military for unconventional warfare. The exercise is taking place mostly in Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and Utah.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott expressed concern early on but now says he has had assurances from military commanders that this will be a normal military exercise. Regardless, Gov. Abbott has ordered the Texas State Guard to monitor the exercise and assure that “civil liberties” are not infringed upon.

In Short, the Governor said Texans don/t trust President Obama under any circumstances. “Frankly, I gotta tell you, I think the cause of the underlying concerns is that we see instances, like a shooting in Fort Hood by a terrorist that the President labels workplace violence. We see the President come to the border in Texas and say it’s safer than it’s ever been,” said the Governor. “And so I think it was a misplaced perception by people in Texas who have problems with the Obama Administration and connected that trust with with the Obama Administration to the military.” Governor Abbott continues to reassure Texans that he has directed Maj. Gen. Betty, commander of the Texas State Guard, to monitor the operation and provide regular updates to the Governor’s Office to ensure Texans’ “safety, constitutional rights, private property rights and civil liberties will not be infringed”  during the exercise.

Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert, a former judge and Army combat veteran, don’t like the idea that Texas and Utah are designated “hostile states” during the exercise. Gohmert argued that the labeling of Texas and Utah as hostile states needs to be changed in Army exercise documents.

Gohmert said such labeling is suspicious and suggests that the federal government is trying to provoke a “fight” with local citizens.

Big Spring, Texas will be involved in the exercise, and although there is allegedly going to be no federal money paid to land owners or municipalities involved in the exercise, money is a consideration and an attraction.

The Military Times reported that, “City officials say the exercise will help local businesses. Big Spring Mayor Larry McLellan said officials are hoping for an economic impact as great as $150,000.”