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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 08:24 AM


First Published in 1994


Eight Members of Greenville County Legislative Delegation Opposed Moving Flag from Soldier's Memorial

Speaking on behalf of the Commander, South Carolina Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans, Rollis Smith commended eight members of the Greenville County Legislative Delegation for opposing the stampede to remove the Confederate battle flag from the Soldier’s Memorial on the State House grounds.

A former United States Marine and resident of Greenville County,  Smith said that as the Lt. Commander, Second Brigade, South Carolina Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans, he was acting on authority of the South Carolina Division Commander, “by unanimous vote of our Executive Council last Saturday.


“The position of the Sons of Confederate Veterans on the recent flag issue was that we felt parliamentary procedure was not followed and the matter was not given public input. There was no committee action and the proposed referendum was not approved.

“We had a few of the Delegation that stood up. I’m not a politician and don’t know the protocol, but I’m calling the names out by district number.

“I’d like to commend the Honorable Danny Verdin, the Honorable Lee Bright, the Honorable Mike Burns, The Honorable Tommy Stringer, the Honorable Dwight Loftis, The Honorable Wendy Nanney, the Honorable Eric Bedingfield and the Honorable Bill Chumley.”

The timing on the flag controversy made it impossible for Smith to get on the agenda of the Delegation meeting according to their rules.

Representative Mike Burns requested unanimous consent from those present to suspend the rules and allow Smith to speak. Only Sen. Karl Allen had questions. Allen wanted to know what he was going to talk about. When informed by Smith that he was going to commend the members who voted to keep the flag as it was, Allen asked if he was going to say anything negative about the members of the Delegation who voted to remove the flag. Smith assured Allen that he had no intentions of being critical of anyone. Having satisfied Allen’s possible objections, Smith was allowed to address the Delegation.