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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 08:25 AM


First Published in 1994



Senator Tim Scott held a town hall meeting Tuesday at Wofford University featuring Louisiana Governor and Presidential Candidate Bobby Jindal and Representative Trey Gowdy. Scott reiterated the purpose of his town hall meetings on several occasions stating, “the purpose of this event is not to give sound bite answers but to get thorough answers to questions from the audience.” Jindal opened by discussing how he and Scott agree on education and the emphasis of choices in this realm.

The most revelant question asked to Jindal from the audience was, “You attended Oxford University on the Rhodes scholarship, which is funded by the Rothschild international banking family, who made their intentions known to establish a one world government or a new world order. What are your thoughts on the Rothschild banking family and do you think that Mr. Scott and Mr. Gowdy’s vote for TPA furthers the Rothschild’s agenda to establish a one world government?”

Jindal replied, “First of all I will speak for myself. I am very interested in maintaining American sovereignty. I don’t think that the Supreme Court should be referencing international precedence or opinion. I think they need to read and apply the U.S. Constitution. And we have seen them in recent weeks they have decided to make law by redefining marriage, they do not have the power to do that and they shouldn’t. When it comes to the specific votes you talked about and I respectly disagree. When it comes to this president I wouldn’t have voted for TPA because I don’t trust this president. Not that I am against giving the president the authority, I am just against giving this president this authority.”

Jindal completely avoided mentioning the Rothschild family as if he was scared to talk about them. Probably because the family helped start the Council of Foreign Relations, or CFR, a powerful communistic organization based out of New York, whose goals coincide with the Rothschild’s. Then Jindal began discussing the Supreme Court and its recent decisions, which has absolutely nothing to do with the question asked.  Lastly, he said that the only reason he disagrees with TPA is because he doesn’t trust the president. In essence he does agree with TPA just not with this president.  The audience member followed up with another question asking, “Where in the enumerated powers of the constitution, that the president has, does he have the authority to do what TPA gives him the authority to do?” I would not have voted for TPA. I would not have given this president that power. This president unfortunately doesn’t follow the constitution. You see that in his amnesty laws, his desire to pick and choose the parts of Obama care to enforce. He thinks he is above the law and I think we need a president that will follow the constitution and apply the constitution.”  Jindal avoided this question as well by not stating where in the constitution does the president have the power to do what TPA gives him the power to do, because the constitution does not give the president the power that TPA does, which means that Jindal himself agreeing with TPA would have violated the constitution and voted for TPA. Therefore, Jindal does not qualify for president by his own standard of following the constitution.