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Monday, January 20, 2025 - 09:42 AM


First Published & Printed in 1994


Opponents see abuse of power, Ignoring  Second Amendment

President Obama announced unilateral plans to work around Congress and expand background checks to cover more guns sold at gun shows, online and anywhere else.

The devil is in the details:

regulations and procedures developed and issued by agencies. The Justice Department’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and  Explosives will be one of the agencies issuing updated guidance that says the government should deem anyone “in the business of selling guns to be a dealer,” regardless of where the gun or guns are sold.

The government will consider other factors, including how many guns a person sells and how frequently and whether those guns are sold for a profit.

The government did not specify a number for how many guns someone must sell to be declared a dealer. The vagueness in the regulation is an intimidation factor. The Administration stated that they plan to remind people that courts have deemed people to be dealers in some cases even if they only sell a few guns.

Opponents see this judgment call as a trap to allow anyone selling a gun or guns to another person vulnerable to being accused of a crime. They are then forced to expend legal fees or risk being convicted of a crime.

The presidential executive orders will grow the bureaucracy significantly. The FBI will hire 230 more examiners to process background checks. The White House will ask Congress for an additional $500 million to improve mental health care. These funds will be used in part to determine which citizens are unsuitable because of mental illness to be allowed to own or possess a gun.

Hundreds of military veterans whose medical records indicate treatment for PTSD have been denied permits to purchase a gun.

Obama will use the power of the federal bureaucracy to undermine the Second Amendment during the next 12 months. On Monday evening, the White House issued a memo titled: “Promoting Smart Gun Technology.” The memo ordered the Departments of Defense, Justice, and Homeland Security to “conduct or sponsor research into gun safety technology that would reduce the frequency of accidental discharge or unauthorized use of firearms, and improve the tracing of lost or stolen guns.”

As early as 2013, Obama directed the Justice Department to review gun safety technology “such as devices requiring a scan of the owner’s fingerprint before a gun can fire.”

A book reviewed by WND warned that mandatory smart-gun technology could make every existing gun in the United States illegal.

The president will hold a town hall presentation on his gun control measures on CNN Thursday night.