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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 12:21 PM


First Published in 1994


The Greenville County Republican Party Executive Committee Insist that Governor Haley and Attorney General Alan Wilson “Fervently Reject the Redefinition of Gender in Title IX Concerning Locker Rooms and Gender Segregated Areas in South Carolina Public Schools.”


A Resolution was proposed by Executive Committeeman Anthony Gilliard representing Fox Chase Precinct at the June Committee meeting, to pressure Governor Nikki Haley and Attorney General Alan Wilson to reject the federal government overreach regarding the redefinition of Gender in Title IX concerning the locker rooms and gender segregated areas in public schools in South Carolina.

The issue of individuals deciding what gender they want to be rather than the determination at birth based on anatomy, is becoming a serious controversy stoked by the Obama Administration and accepted by elected officials of all stripes who fear engaging in politically incorrect controversy.

Initially, Chad Groover, the Chairman ruled that the Resolution would be referred to the Resolutions Committee and brought back to the Executive Committee in August for consideration.

Executive Committee members made it clear that a delay until after the June Primaries would be unacceptable, since the legislature has already killed a bill on the topic earlier and the federal overreach and local opposition has become a major issue in Upstate Senate seat challenges.

Following a brief discussion, the resolution was passed unanimously: without exception. The Resolution reads as follows:

WHEREAS, One South Carolina High School has already accepted the redefinition of Gender under threat of Suit, the Governor’s statements of “Unnecessary” and “not one instance” are no longer valid.

WHEREAS, A person’s sex is defined as the physical condition of being male or female, which is determined at conception by nature, and is not a condition of feeling: one’s emotional and psychological identity.

WHEREAS, Transgender policies deal with students who

choose to be designated by their desired gender identity; an identity that conflicts with their anatomical sex;

Whereas, Women/Girls deserve a safe, comfortable, and segregated place to Change and shower without the presence of a Male Stranger!

WHEREAS, The Obama Administration’s Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights released an updated policy letter stating that Title IX’s sex discrimination prohibition extends to an individual’s chosen gender identity of male or female;

WHEREAS, Federal courts have ruled that Title lX does not extend to claims of discrimination based on gender identity and that schools can maintain separate restrooms, locker rooms and other facilities on the basis of sex where privacy is a concern;

WHEREAS, Federal courts have ruled that the US. Department of Education’s interpretation of Title IX is not legally binding because the Department lacks authority to promulgate such an interpretation; and

WHEREAS, Policies of the Obama Administration, presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and public schools that allow any students to use the restrooms, locker rooms, or other facilities designated for the exclusive use of the other sex infringes on the rights of privacy and conscience of other students;

Therefore be it Resolved, That We The Greenville County Republican Party do hereby insist that our Governor Nicky Haley and South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson fervently Reject the Redefinition of Gender in Title IX concerning the Locker Rooms and Gender segregated areas in Public Schools in South Carolina!!