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Friday, October 11, 2024 - 04:00 AM


First Published in 1994


The Delegation Will Appoint Six Members of the Greenville Hospital System Board of Trustees During this Period of Intense Controversy

The Greenville County Legislative Delegation will hold a very important meeting at Greenville County Square Monday, November 21 beginning at 5:30 pm. The meeting will be open to the public.

The Delegation will elect a chairman, vice chairman and secretary for the next year.

The delegation will also make a number of key appointments to committees and commissions. One of the more controversial will be the naming of candidates to fill six vacancies on the Greenville Hospital System Board of Trustees during this period of intense controversy. The current board has attempted to change the relationship between the hospital system and the citizens of Greenville County who own the system. Some critics of the change describe the change as less than fair to the citizens.

The Legislative Delegation is divided over the issue with the largest faction siding with the hospital board majority. The matter is also currently under litigation.

The Hospital Board has nominated themselves and others to four of the six vacancies. The Delegation is proposing to reappoint Anna Kate Hipp and appoint Donna Owens Smith to the Board.

The GHS Board has nominated Scott L. Braddley, Michael Ellison, C. Michel Smith and Richard A. Phillips to the Board. Phillips is a reappointment. All must be approved by the Legislative Delegation.

The Delegation will vote to fill vacancies to the following: Greenville County Mental Health Center, the Greenville County Medical Examiner Commission, the Foster Care Review Board, the Board of Voter Registration and Elections of Greenville County, the Berea Public Service District Commission, Renewable Water Resources, Regional Education Center Advisory Board, First Steps Board, and the Greenville Legislative Delegation Transportation Committee.

Citizen Ed Paxton will again plead with the Delegation to provide state assistance to qualified parents who care for severely disabled children. Questions and comments from the floor are not permitted during these public meetings.