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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 06:17 PM


First Published in 1994


President Donald Trump and Governor Henry McMaster visited Charleston’s Boeing aircraft facility on February 17 for the new 787-10 Dreamliner  airplane debut.  Over 5,000 Boeing employees and VIPs attended the private event.  The latest improvements in design and technology are incorporated into this new Dreamliner model, famous for its advanced lightweight carbon fiber construction.  The most efficient jetliner ever, the 787-10 is 25% more efficient than similar-sized airplanes.  First introduced in 2011, the 787 has carried 148 million people and saved 13 billion pounds of fuel.  

The 787-10 will be built exclusively in Charleston, where almost 74% of the workers voted two days previously against unionization.  This plant has the highest rate of production ever for twin-aisle airplanes, with orders for 149 of the 787-10.  

Boeing VPs Joan Robinson-Berry and David Carbon thanked all those involved for their hard work on the new 787-10 in a private reception before the unveiling.  Ms. Robinson-Berry said the numerous technological developments made at the Charleston facility are only possible in the flexible atmosphere of the union-free environment.

Subsequently, Gov. McMaster told the 5,000-plus crowd, “We’re proud of what you’re doing, we’re proud of what you’re going to do, and we’re counting on you... To be here with you today on this occasion, it is a wonderful thing, and that is because, this may be the single best day in the history of S.C.  And we have a great distinguished history...

“[W]hat was the richest place in all the colonies?  This place, that we call S.C.  And we’re headed that way again!  And I’ll tell you why, part of it is because you are here...[Boeing]...is a great company, made great by all of you...
“I’m a happy man for another reason,...because of an unforgettable night in November, when the people of America rose up as never before.  There was something like it in 1980 with Ronald Reagan...[T]he people rose up and chose as their leader a man who is charting, and will deliver, a new course of  strength, prosperity, and greatness for this country that we love, that we call America.  And that man is the one and only, President Donald J. Trump.  Together, these great people, and this great company, and this great President are going to lead this country to greatness, strength, and prosperity.  We will make America great again, greater than ever before!  So thank you, thank you!”

Then the hangar door slowly and dramatically opened to reveal the new Boeing 787-10 sitting near Air Force One.  President Trump and Boeing president Dennis Muilenburg entered the stage to the tune of “Hail to the Chief.”  The roaring crowd chanted “USA, USA, USA!” and stood for over twenty minutes during President Trump’s entire speech.

President Trump expressed his gratitude to S.C.: “I have to say, I love S.C.!  Remember we came down...and this was going to be a place that was tough to win, and we won it in a landslide.  So I want to thank the people of S.C.  The governor... supported us right from the beginning, so I’d like to thank Gov. McMaster...

“And... that is one beautiful airplane.  Congratulations to the men and women here who have built it.  What an amazing piece of art, what an amazing piece of work... It’s wonderful to be back in S.C., especially with your new governor.”

President Trump then emphasized his commitment to restoring American jobs.  “We’re here today to celebrate America’s engineering and America’s manufacturing.  We’re also here today to celebrate jobs, jobs.  This plane...was built right here in the great state of S.C.  Our goal is to rely less on imports and more products made here in the USA.”

President Trump spoke of the historic Wright Brothers flight in N.C.  He said “That flight was a testament to the American spirit.  I see that same spirit everywhere I travel... I saw that spirit all throughout the campaign.  We have the greatest people anywhere in the world.  We have the greatest spirit.  And you just look at what’s going on today in our country.  You look at what’s happening with jobs.  You look at what’s happening with plants moving back into our country.  All of a sudden they’re coming back.

“As your President I’m going to do everything I can to unleash the power of the American spirit, and to put our great people back to work.  This is our mantra: ‘Buy American, and hire America.’  We want products made in America by American hands... When I’m getting ready to sign the [Keystone pipeline] bill, I said ‘Where is the pipe made?’  And they told me, ‘Not here.’  And I said, ‘That’s good.  Add a little sentence: “that you have to buy American steel.”’  We are going to fight for every last American job...

“Dreamliner: the name says it all.  Great name.  Our country is all about making dreams come true.  Over the last number of years that hasn’t necessarily been the case, but we’re going to make it the case again...We turn dreams into reality, and believe me, we will be doing a lot more of that in the months and years to come.”

President Trump also thanked all the members of the military, and praised our state’s long historical military tradition.  He promised to restore America’s military strength, which will involve the help of Boeing.

He continued “On every front, we are going to work for the American people... But my focus has been all about jobs.  And jobs is one of the primary reasons I’m standing here today as your President, and I will never, ever disappoint you... We’re seeing companies open up factories in America.  We’re seeing them keep jobs; Ford, GM, Fiat, Chrysler, just to name a very, very few.  So many more already... because the business climate they know has already changed... When there’s a level playing field, American workers will always, always, always win... Very shortly, you will have a level playing field again... When American workers win, America as a country wins, wins big. That’s my message here today.  America is going to start winning again.  Winning like never, ever before.  We’re not going to let our country be taken advantage of anymore in any way, shape or form... From now on, it’s going to be ‘America First.’

“And we will pass on to our children the freedom and prosperity that is their American birthright:... a nation that is strong, that is proud and that is totally free.  And each of you will be part of creating that new American future.  I want to thank you S.C.  I want to thank the great people of S.C.  God bless you, may God bless the U.S.A. and God bless Boeing.”

America has been blessed by God with such a great President like Donald Trump, the likes of which has not been seen in well over a century.  He is a successful, brilliant businessman who will reduce waste and corruption and run the government like a business again.  God has given us the opportunity to restore America to its former glory.  Let us pray for President Trump’s protection and success and do everything we can as individual citizens to help him reach that goal.