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Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 01:59 AM


First Published in 1994


About 50 percent of illegal immigrants enter the country by "visa skipping." They come on a temporary work, business, tourist, or student visa and ignore the stay limit. They just disappear into the huge population of other illegal immigrants. So a wall won't stop them.

In fact, a wall would simply reroute many current illegal entries into the easier "visa skipping" method of illegal entry. Some estimate that the wall, though important for crime and national security purposes, would only prevent 25 percent of illegal immigration.

E-Verify turns off the job faucet, the real cause of most illegal immigration, by preventing employers from hiring illegal immigrants. E-Verify also encourages illegal immigrants to leave the country voluntarily.

Any bill to prevent future illegal immigration is not likely to be effective unless it contains or is supported by a strong  E-Verify program.

Amnesties are far and away the worst thing that can be done on immigration reform. They encourage more illegal immigration by a factor of two to three more illegal immigrants for every one amnestied illegal.  They also tend to multiply additional amnesties. Amnesties are extremely dangerous and very difficult to control, because many special interests profit immensely from the additional cheap labor.

Amnesties also vastly increase the number of low-information voters, thus favoring the Democrat Party as least two to one and probably more than four to one.   It would not take much of an amnesty to end any chance of future Republican majorities in Congress or electing a Republican President within an election cycle or two.

Obviously trading anything but a very small amnesty for a wall would be a tremendous even suicidal mistake for President Trump, the Republican Party, and every conservative issue.

Any real immigration reform must include E-Verify and elimination of chain migration. A good immigration bill should also reduce legal immigration. Excessive legal immigration hurts American workers and taxpayers. We have a right to control our borders and the number and qualifications of immigrants. We need a merit base immigration system beneficial to the U.S. economy, taxpayers, and the American people rather than special interests.

We could have passed such a bill in the House with the right leadership.


Please read this NumbersUSA article below.
