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Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 04:21 AM


First Published in 1994


WICHITA, Kan.-- Operation Rescue has launched a new web site, Abortion911.org, that documents medical emergencies at abortion facilities for the purpose of helping the public understand that abortions are not as safe as the abortionists say they are.

"Help us prove that abortion is not safe. We know it kills babies and hurts women, but the public needs to see documented reports to overcome the propaganda of the left that says abortion is a 'human right,' instead of the human rights abuse that it really is," said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. The website also is seeking photos, videos, documentation, and eyewitness accounts of medical emergencies at abortion facilities to add to the ever-expanding number of reports.

For several years, Operation Rescue has collected photos, videos, and 911 reports related to medical emergencies that take place at abortion facilities. Our database of such incidents has been considered the most comprehensive available. However, it is understood that this is only a fraction of medical emergencies that occur at abortion facilities.

Our data has been used to:

  • Promote the passage pro-life legislation at the state level.
  • Support pro-life laws in court.
  • File complaints against abortion facilities that have resulted in disciplinary action and closed abortion facilities.
  • Expose the dangers of abortion to the public.

"This site could have a lasting impact on public opinion and legal cases regarding abortion. Abortionists toss out numbers on so-called 'abortion safety' that have little, if any, documentation to back them up. We want Abortion911.com to serve as an easily-accessible repository of incidents that can provide hard evidence of abortion dangers," said Newman.

The "Check Your State" tag cloud feature is a resource that allows a user to easily see the reports related to abortion-related medical emergencies in any state for which there are documented incidents. The size of a state's font is directly related to the number of documented emergencies reported to Operation Rescue.

There is also a featured page with links to reports concerning abortion-related maternal deaths covered by Operation Rescue.

"Our eyes and ears on the ground have always been those involved in ministry outside the abortion facilities, and we need your eyes and ears more than ever," said Newman. "By contributing to this new project, you can help influence our nation in favor of life and move us closer to the goal of an abortion-free America."

To report incidents at abortion facilities that led to emergency responses and/or ambulance transports, please e-mail us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

"There are those who are desperate to stop this documentation of life-threatening abortion dangers from reaching the public. Let's not let them win!" said Newman.

Abortion911.com joins Operation Rescue's suite of websites, including OR's main informational site, OperationRescue.org, and the resource site AbortionDocs.org, the largest online collection of documents related to abuses within the Abortion Cartel.