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Tuesday, January 21, 2025 - 11:14 AM


First Published & Printed in 1994


Helicopters can be seen blowing down illegal drug cartel camps hiding in the mountains of Arizona, where they keep an eye out for US Border Patrol.
Helicopters can be seen blowing down illegal drug cartel camps hiding in the mountains of Arizona, where they keep an eye out for US Border Patrol.

Having lived close to the US/Mexico border for the last nineteen years we have seen many people and things that not only didn't look right; it just wasn't right. In the photograph there is a helicopter from some branch of the military or some other government bureau.

Recently we were at the village of Gun Sight on the Tohono O'Dham Indian reservation five miles east of where we live. We watched as the helicopter proceeded to hover this mountain that is across Arizona state 86 from where we were. The drug cartels from down south of the border will have camps on the tops of some of these mountains that are staffed with "scouts" to keep an eye on the US border Patrol while they smuggle illegal aliens and deadly drugs into America.

Periodically these aircraft will fly over these hills and with the wash (wind) from the aircraft props will blow these camps off of the mountains; or totally render them useless. After an experience like that, I don't know what becomes of the occupants of these very brazen and illegal camps.

Recently, there were discovered 128 people (men, women and children as young as 4 years old) that had walked across Mexico from Central America, a tropical region, to the Sonoran Desert where we have seen temperatures up to 120 degrees Fahrenheit. Local people have a problem with numbers like that. On the average a person will need a gallon of water per mile in the one hundred plus temperatures that we are experiencing at this time of year. Given the number of people discovered here, they would need one hundred and twenty eight gallons of water for the first mile, with the first large town Casa Grande more than a hundred miles to the north. The average person would need a tremendous amount water to travel that far in the 107 degree weather that we have been having this month.

Earlier in August, agents found a group of 95 people in a similar situation who also had crossed the US/Mexico border. That group included adults and children as well from 3 months to 60 years. They also came from tropical regions in South America.

Anyone that will propagate open borders are totally ignorant and are most ill informed about the harsh elements on the southwest border.