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Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 06:26 AM


First Published in 1994


COLORADO SPRINGS, Colorado -- The following is submitted by Anne Paulk Executive Director and Board Member of Restored Hope Network:

California Assembly bill 2943 was recently pulled by author Evan Low while poised to pass the final vote in the assembly and headed to Governor Brown's desk. The intent of the bill was to label all life transformation out of homosexuality fraudulent. We are tremendously grateful to Mr. Low for listening to faith leaders throughout the state and pulling the bill. 

The bill would have subjected all care provided to adults seeking to leave homosexuality to the potential of lawsuits and unfair labeling--counselors and pastoral care, books, DVDs, and seminar speakers, as well as those who hosted them. In fact, the bill was so overbroad that it would have labeled the essential Biblical belief of life transformation through Jesus as an unfair and deceptive practice. Although the bill was amended, none of the changes removed the original concerns about the bill.  Additionally, because AB 2943 was in direct conflict with constitutionally protected freedoms that the United States was founded upon, it was headed for immediate challenge in courts across the state.

We are so grateful and thankful for the coalition who stood together regarding the bill-California Family Council, Family Policy Alliance, Equipped to Love, the courageous men and women who testified at the Capital about their own life transformation, those who prayed across the nation and world, and these tremendous organizations--Focus on the Family, Family Research Council, Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, Heritage Foundation, David French in National Review, California Catholic Conference, Church United, William Jessup University, Alliance for Therapeutic Choice and Scientific Integrity, Alliance Defending Freedom, Liberty Council, Pacific Justice Institute, National Center for Law and Policy, John Stonestreet with Colson Center for Christian Worldview, American College of Pediatricians, Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Concerned Women for America, and many more.

Restored Hope Network is the largest national coalition of Christian ministries providing care for those who are questioning their sexuality and want to live in ways that please God. We provide compassionate and truthful care for individuals who identify as LGBT or struggle with their sexuality and are privileged to see Jesus' love transform lives of those surrendered to His leadership. A network survey has shown that 38% of those who seek life transforming care over at least a year's time, no longer struggle with homosexual desires. Some return to the lives they once wanted to leave, comprising a vocal minority of around 10%, and 52% find that their unwanted desires no longer control or define them.  On behalf of the 90% of individuals who seek help, find it, and thrive, we are grateful and relieved to see that AB 2943 was removed by Assemblyman Low.