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Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 06:26 AM


First Published in 1994


Is everyone in your church registered to vote?  The truth might shock you!

Research shows that there are millions of conservatives sitting in churches all across America who aren't registered to vote.  Even worse, there are millions more who are registered but just don't vote.

Millions of them have moved, have old addresses and need to have their voter registration updated in order to be able to vote this November.

Having a Civic Sunday registration drive can change all of that!

We are targeting Sundays in September as days to promote and encourage voter registration in churches all across the state.  We encourage you to join the effort!

Working together we can increase the attention paid to the importance of active citizenship among people in South Carolina.  It will remind people that voting is not only a civic duty, but part of our testimony to the community of what we believe.

More to the point, if we don't vote our values on Election Day, we shouldn't complain.

You can go to our website and find details about "How to conduct a voter registration drive" in your place of worship.  And for those who believe that churches can't get involved, download a copy of "What churches can and cannot do in politics" and pass it along!

Studies show that someone who registers to vote now has an 82% chance of voting this November - and that people are more likely to vote when someone that they respect tells them that it's important.

Your help will make sure that other conservative voices are heard on Election Day!