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Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 10:12 AM


First Published in 1994


Pictured above are Merrylynn Gerstenschlager, Anne Schlafly Cori, Cathie Adams and Cindi Castilla who joined a rally hosted by Concerned Women for America to support the confirmation of Brett Kavanuagh.
Pictured above are Merrylynn Gerstenschlager, Anne Schlafly Cori, Cathie Adams and Cindi Castilla who joined a rally hosted by Concerned Women for America to support the confirmation of Brett Kavanuagh.

It was a very exciting time for Eagles to be in our nation's capital with opportunities to stand for Judge Brett Kavanaugh, lobby on the Hill, participate in Leadership/Communications and Student Workshops, tour D.C. monuments at night (and during the day), hear presentations from our many expert speakers, enjoy comments from our special Eagle Award recipients, reunite, fellowship and collaborate together with our wonderful Eagles, meet and make new friends, be encouraged by the wisdom, knowledge, maturity and heart of our Student Eagles, and experience an inspiring Saturday afternoon tour of the Museum of the Bible!

We saw feminists use issues such as sexual assault, abortion, birth control, and women in the workplace as a weapon against men, particularly white, conservative, pro-life, pro-family, pro-Constitution men, such as Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Capitol Hill was set ablaze with activity and emotion with regards to Kavanaugh and our Eagles were there to STAND WITH BRETT, now the 114th associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court!

So many of our Eagles were on the Hill representing their states, including some of our  Tennessee Eagles. Pictured above are Student Eagles, Teen Eagle Chair Frances Arthur, and TN EF President, Bobbie Patray after their meeting with Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn's aide.
So many of our Eagles were on the Hill representing their states, including some of our Tennessee Eagles. Pictured above are Student Eagles, Teen Eagle Chair Frances Arthur, and TN EF President, Bobbie Patray after their meeting with Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn's aide.