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Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 10:16 AM


First Published in 1994


William Timmons Tea Party TownHall Meeting

As you know, last week on October 8th, the Greenville TEA Party hosted the 4th Congressional District Candidates’ Forum which was moderated by Bob McLain and Tara Servatius of 106.3 WORD Radio.  Democrat candidate Brandon Brown and Independent American Party candidate Guy Furay attended and answered tough questions from Bob and Tara.

Republican nominee William Timmons and his campaign refused to attend for the following reason: 

“It is strategically unwise for Republicans in the 4th Congressional District to give the other two candidates from two different political parties a platform from which to campaign. What could a liberal Democrat possibly say that’s attractive to conservatives? Nothing, in my opinion. We conservative Republicans have no business helping the other political parties spread their message.”

We got Mr. Timmons’ point, however, the hypocrisy of his willingness to participate in a debate 2 days later sponsored by the liberal League of Women Voters and the partisan NAACP rang hollow.

In an exchange of communications, Mr. Timmons asked for the opportunity to meet with the Greenville TEA Party in which he could answer our questions without the other two candidates being on the same stage.  We have decided to accommodate Mr. Timmons and he has agreed to attend.

We are pleased to announce that the Greenville TEA Party will host “An Evening for Q&A with Republican Nominee and Candidate for the SC 4th Congressional District, William Timmons” on Tuesday evening, October 30th at 7:00pm at the Zen Elegant Meeting Space located at 924 S. Main St. in Greenville (across from Fluor Field).

The public is invited to attend this FREE event and we will accommodate as many questions as possible in a 60-minute time period from members of the Greenville TEA Party.  Questions must be submitted in writing upon arrival (index cards will be available).  No subject or policy issue is off limits, however each question must be respectful and to the point.