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Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 10:13 AM


First Published in 1994


The Assault On Freedom Book Cover

Mac Taylor, author of the book, "The Assault on Freedom in America, will be the Keynote speaker at the upcoming Greenville County Republican Women's Club Luncheon meeting on October 25th, at noon. It will be located at the Poinsett Club in downtown Greenville.

Mr. Taylor will be discussing the 11 fundamental assaults currently conducted against our freedom. This is a most interesting book that has been endorsed by both former State Senator David Thomas and Congressman Trey Gowdy. The book will be available for purchase at the luncheon.

The Assault On Freedom In America will inform you about the assault that is being waged against your freedom and what you can do about it. You will see why and who is behind the constant clamor of destructive criticism of America. You will learn of the common themes and people that exist within each of the seemingly diverse protests which are adding to the individual and societal divisions within our country. The Assault on Freedom In America, with its focus on freedom's principles and not politics, will encourage you and reveal how we fix America, by fixing ourselves. You will learn what made America great in the first place. Why America is special and how we can make America, America again. Our country and our freedom is under the most serious assault in our lifetime. The very types of cunning assaults that our first President George Washington prophetically warned of. We the people must therefore come to grips with the fact that attention to our beloved America is needed now more than ever. If we do this, then together we can defend our country against The Assault On Freedom In America.

The Luncheon will be $20 for members and $22 for non-members.